Thursday, October 06, 2005

a book

restless tears and bygone hours. I'm so angry at this book. It's not so much the story (though i love it), it's not so much the characters (though truly i love them also), it's the description of human character that is soooooo unrealistic, so endearing, so charming and desireable that makes me once again an utter romantic. *blinks back tears*

And lo', in the ill begotten hour with a waning crescent moon, the night and great adversities wreath the strenuous 400 hour challenge for the girl too easily misled by fate and who takes simple words too close to heart. These hours begin when the baited trap, a book, closes unfinished with a simple ribbon hanging dead between the spell worn pages. Feel not the night, it sings, but when the embers of day grow hot, you will know pain.

Okay. that is as verbious as I will be for now. I'm still dazed that .. well i won't comment.. I'm afraid that this semester might just be the one that causes me the most grief. *cries and shakes head* I wouldn't have thought that possible.

BUT yes~~ *sniff* kind greetings are welcome, lunch hour visitations are welcome, lifts home, warm coats, flat shoes, spritzing water, a walk in the park... message me.

I have a work items stuck to 2 weeks PR internship stuck to work items stuck to the due date of my essay. I'm glad it's not a thesis paper, but still.. i can't say anymore. The book i'm reading is killing me softly in so many ways and i say that about every book.. but this book depicts characters that cannot exist though it leaves me wishful that perhaps they do..

If i don't sleep now - i won't feel it and my week is over. *waves*


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