Sunday, October 02, 2005


Warning: title of post ironic

Thursday: a normal day
I had bad time management and so I couldn’t watch MKs basket ball game. That’s right!! Dammnn it was that day where I missed the 7:20 bus home and thought I’d go grab something to eat while waiting for the 7:50 one. Then when I had substantially left the bus stop and gone all the way to buy something to eat, I turn around and the bus was there (at 7:30) and then left when I proceeded walking back towards it. If you were there, I’d have been saying a lot of quotable expressions. But since I was by myself, I had to not say anything. But I caught the 144 instead to change my potential 45 minute walk to a 15 minute one. That is the reason why I didn’t go.

Friday: Holly the Graduate
Holly directed us to gather at Verandah at the opportune time that escapes entry costs. *laughs* I think somehow we were on time and early for once. It was bound to happen some time.

So I caught bus. Stopped at Jim’s and pestered him until he closed shop as I ate my Macca’s Happy Meal. Then we walked to verandah taking not-exactly-the-most-direct route (he forgot I was bad with directions). Generally I think I retraced the steps Phil and Will led that other time I forgets when. You can imagine.. I’m happily walking along eating fries Jim cursing all the taxi drivers as he puts his limbs in front of their vehicle (because he realised somehow we walked around the whole block).

At Verandah, I saw alex and victor and they asked me where holly was. I said, I dunno, and I walked inside and viola, they were all next to the bar. The closest one near the entrance I might add. Then I don’t recall that much, I think everyone was calling up others to see where they were and I was dazed. I remember seeing everyone come in like at 1 minute intervals. Or maybe they came in before me, but I saw them at one minute intervals.

In short – at one point I suggested to gabe that he should buy us drinks and he said “Oh kay” and then I realised he gave me $50. Thus I proceeded trying to spend it all and gabe got a bit … well distressed. So I gave him back the change.. that was left.. *runs away*

Then Gabe was going to Suspicious’ to watch a movie. I wanted to go to, but gabe said my invitation was revoked because I had said I was sick. **wah** then I spent a few minutes protesting the facts and I said my cold was not contagious. But ultimately I decided to stay for a few reasons. I suppose one of which was I hadn’t had my dose of dancing exercise.

Aside: I spent about 5 whole minutes laughing at anna’s predicament at one point. Aside 2: gabe’s sister was there~ and thus ultimately, he didn’t give me my lift home. (thanks anna). Aside 3: I kept mistakenly thinking I heard the same song again. Aside 4: jim and pat on the stage at one point were surrounded by these girls-typical-in-verandah and looked like they were being pushed off.

I heard after than some other UTS person had a grad thing there hence there were so many familiar faces. And also Eleanor who had her own guestlist was outside waiting until the depths of 2330 and couldn't get in and went somewhere else.

Oh then 9drinks and 6 or 7 hours later, anna and I stopped at maccas after dropping caz off (jim was in the car and not moving) and we got sprung by holly, warner and matt. We thought they went to pancakes to meet up with tessa et al.

Saturday: Our lil party for Laura at Spicy Island.

Well I bought the cakes and told loxi that the mini m&ms would be a necessary decoration. The chocolate sponge I bought looked good, but tasted so-so. And the other cake I got, looked normal but tasted very nice.

Anyway, I surprised myself by turning up at the restaurant first, then I surprised the restaurant lady by saying we didn’t have a booking and I didn’t know exactly who were coming. Then Loxi and I surprised (or disgusted) her again by laughing maniacally as we put m&ms on the cake to make it pretty. Her response was “You’re not going to serve that are you? It looks bad. The other cake looks better!” and was like googly-eyes saying ‘nooooo’ with my hands over my ears and crying out “but this is the one with laura’s name on it!”

Thus everyone (donna, laura, wendy, loksee and I)being seated and quite on time on the dot of 7:05, ordered. Boy, did we order. I suppose the restaurant lady was thinking ‘those 5 little asian girls and their cake won’t order very much’. (all the menu choices are listed with the name of the person who nominated the dish for my memorable reference) We got Wendy’s chilli crab, wendy’s bread, donna’s beef rendang, wendy’s coconut rice, donna’s chicken rice, laura’s special chicken, joyce’s gado gado (bean sprout salad with peanut sauce), Loksee’s no. 64 noodles. Our table was laden.

Then, Chloe turned up. She was on the reserved table for like 26 people. When she appeared our table was still decorated with food and we had all paused to ‘rest’.

The staff thought we couldn’t eat it all. Hah! We showed them! We didn’t eat it all – but I asked for a take away box each and we all boxed lunch for the next day. A bit of everything that we wanted. And thus all food was gone.

Then they brought out the cake looksee and I decorated (by poking m&ms in place with a chopstick **nods**) The “happy birthday” song came on. And I know it’s a bit embarrassing.. but well, it’s for laura~! She saw my cake (and wendy saw my cake for the first time and donna saw it again). To keep it unexaggerated, they looked disappointed, so very disappointed. I think I was like “yay” and they looked at me funny.
Laura told me later she thought someone had baked her a cake. Not that someone baking a cake is disappointing, but yes it did like a lopsided half-hearted handiwork.

But then they realised the Japanese cheesecake from savoy tasted better than the fanciful chocolate sponge. You know, the chocolate one looked soooooo nice, but the ‘chocolate flake wafers’ turned out to be marzipan and chocolate.. and say no more. We took to the lopsided cute little spongey one with m&ms more. It’s surprises like that I think, that made us all the more merry. Staring at loads of food and thinking ‘oh my, we really did today’ to packing it and taking it. To unimpressive mini cakes to something that was all the more sweet. I think it was a great reflection of the parodies in life

Today. Sunday.

Ask me about today in person.
Let’s just say, I slept in. Drove to class trying not to be a crazy driver since it’s double demerit weekend but all the more I tried to concentrate, the more maniacally I drove.

Aside: Where is that camera that’s between epping and my house. I hope it didn’t book me again. Aside again: The e-toll didn't work. T.T~

And I got to class. Later I found out when I returned to the entertainment centre, I hadn’t locked the car. So I checked the boot in case someone put something, like a body, in there.

And about today, I woke up really confused and somewhat upset because I had a dream where they wanted me to jump off a plane with a parachute but were not willing to even confirm that the parachute was not faulty or would even probably open. It was one of those inarguable situations where you know, they tell you to jump and you have to jump. To make matters worse, I was going to say bye to someone but they had driven off... in the rain.. yes that sort of thing! This is following my sand disaster dream. So it’s all pretty weird,.

Meanwhile, the weather has been really nice. *waves* see you soon.

P.s. and a hello to bronwyn! and well, i use the night tablets at night just for extra oomph~ because i tend not to take any tablets in the day. The only tablets I take when necessary are nurofen.. . if i ask for them or you see me reach for them.. Hello joyce in trouble~ *byee*


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