Monday, September 26, 2005


aside i got another 0405 number

Happy belated birthday Lachlan~

late evening, saturday, I rocked up to Angel bar where Lachlan was never without beer in hand. And you know, i never really thought that he squints (until his brother pointed it out) but seeing him blink always cheers me up. Lochie, you're hilarious, happy birthday.

It was heaps fun. A relaxing crowd where we had another get-together where Pete, Pete, Wendy, William and Carl and where we laughed about how Lachlan loves pictionary. And yes I always laugh about how scary the bogan was. *nods*

Oh OH but MOST importantly, we downed a few shots. They were called 'Red Pussy' and simply 1/3 vodka, 2/3 peach schnapps and and topped off with cranberry juice. There I was feeling a bit distracted, so I rocked up to the bar and enquired as to what they had. Peach and Butterscotch schanpps. decisions. *shakes head* Peach it was! And after I had one, I had three. Earlier in the day I thought i needed painkillers. Now, no matter~ I believe I have to go stock up my bar.. and do these assignments.. *some contained reaction* eyaa~~ Definitely. *nods* butterscotch.. *laughs* that bottle from Jims is still in circulation between holly and me.. *winks*

To keep things short because I have this throbbing head. Is it a headache? I've never had a headache like this.. It's like my brain is being massaged painfully by a cold-hearted masseur and seeing becomes tiring for my eyes. On saturday bunny and i discovered a different and quaint jap place. This was after i couldn't make it to gabe's thing (yada.. sorry gabe. really. I was tired and moody. and walking around my legs felt like collapsing at times.) but there you go. excuses when true are still excuses ne. Amusingly, we saw kids sliding down the escalator bannister though. And it made me think of many dangerous things I've done as a child. It includes riding my bike down a slope, turning a corner and scraping half of myself across a brick wall. Stupid is as stupid does, *shakes head*. or that other time when i slipped off a skateboard and i was only sitting on it. I think the other half of me grazed pavement that time. my dad was furious. Therefore, go karting.. when even walking can be a trial for me, would be too exciting. And I'd need insurance. *nods* (re:mike)

Anyhow, i forgot what I was going to say. OH Right~ Lochie's brother and his friends were chatted up by two intoxicated girls who couldn't read and were 'with' some big fat bald and big wide old men.. It was.. a very interesting scene and .. quite awful to observe.

So.. i think i need to go over there.. and sleep now. *wanders off..*


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