Friday, September 23, 2005


I don't care how swamped I am with assignments and how tear-raking they are. Firstly, I *will* find time to go beach myself. Secondly, I *will* go shoe shopping.

Re: Free to good home one pair of shoes. I am prepared to donate my 3-inch steep black killer shoes (size 38) to anyone who will take them (and pay for the postage). (I say 'will', but truly i am keeping my discretion in the matter). I have worn them twice, and on both occasions I realise my error 25 metres from my front door simply because I can't wear heels that have an incompatible slope above 1.5 inches. Yes, I got greedy. About 2 years ago I bought these $129 Ravella Excite Pin Heels because they look smashing. All who know me, i only wear flats and even then the prospects of body-impacting-concrete has ridiculously high odds. *cries* It's hopeless, science can't help me. *laughs*

I recall Tian told me I had big feet. Buuu.. But I forgive him because he's naturally absolutely tactless. *warning glare*

But shoe shopping is on agenda. Who knows.. I may keep these shoes for sit-down nice-carpet-only functions. But seriously, walking down a slope with heels at 60 degrees.. makes the angle around 75 degrees.. Wedges, Mules.. something that wasn't hard leather.. with soles.. or straps.. would have been a beauty..

Yes I was walking with Jade to Blockbuster.. I thought I would die.

I was eyeing the Coles shopping trolleys like anything and my sister was laughing. Nice to know, if my calf muscle gave way under a twist unsupported by hard concrete (damn those gravel bits or worse, polished tiles!!! Far out.. ).. yes well.. it was nice to know should something happen my sister would dash to coles grab 7kg of ice and all the bandages she can carry..

T.T * But Yes~ I would like to have that crisis scenario remain untested and untried..

Wanted: someone who can piggy back 52 kg minimum without complaining. Must be willing to go bar crawling, sit in cafes for long arduous conversations, remain stoic, and take turns being the designated driver. Previous applicants need not apply.


At 01:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i spent today at freshwater!!! it rocks - we should go live there! and ur skin will feel brilliant after u've been in the water....not to mention it'll make u feel all relaxed and surfie-stoned like....i lost all the tension in my neck & shoulders!!!!!

o! and speaking of beaches - warner and i are definitely in for tahiti - any other takers?!

At 10:39, Blogger juice said...

Eyyyyaaaa that is sooo unkind.
talking about all the sweetest things like beachs and graduation when i an entraped in a mangle..



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