Thursday, September 29, 2005


Happy Birthday Laaaaura!

Yes. Today I was replying Laura's message when people started crossing the road. So subconsciously you believe that when poeple cross the road, then *you* can cross the road. Result, stepped into traffic and nearly got mangled. *nods* texting when doing a dangerous activity like walking is a no-no.

I'm getting better. head aches aren't so noticeable, eyes don't automatically seep tears and my nose can nearly breathe again. And because I can nearly breathe again I can actually taste how good this tabouli + chick pea + pumpkin + cous cous salad is~ *yay*

After I try to get this assignment done. I've exceeded the word limit by double. Mm. I'm not apologising unless the lecturer gets mad. But about the other two assignments... don't ask. Or you can ask - but it will cost you.

20:21 amendment
I retract the previous optimism... i'm still sick. buuu~


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