Thursday, September 22, 2005


Hallo *waves*
my hair has been fixed. It is black again. And that is pretty much all I have to say about that. Though after a few weeks I may have another outcry. But yes *shakes head* highlights are nice but they leave that burnt over look. And in Germany, I remember spending a day in the sun and feeling all raw. Pushing that aside..

Just a forenote, please remember I have heaps of assignments to do. My paper on trade law, i realise, due 3 weeks down track.. actually might not make it even if i start now and concurrently with the other two things.

Which reminds me that in yr 12 I had 12 months to write unreferenced fiction of 8000 words. which is 75% of what i need to do in 3 weeks. A rule of thumb is that for every sentence you write, you would have read a page. So if I start counting pages and hours devoted to research.. I will not react kindly to people taking my time so lightly. *nods*

Recently Laura drove us to a place really far away to look at some dogs for adoption. *thinks* can't keep sounding vague, but it was a place 15 minutes drive after going along Camden Valley Freeway? I don't know. Therefore it's a miraculous feat that we got there with no wrong turns as I was the navigator *winks*

I think my ideal dog would be a large, very intelligent one that likes looking for things for fun. But i have this idea that dogs like chewing shoes. You must factor in that I already do excessive damage to my shoes. Speaking of shoes, my sister were trying my shoes the other day. If she wore it for a day, the pressure she puts on the soles in her way of walking will be so impressed on the soles that when I wear them again, it feeeeels different and wrong. And the shoes become her property. Which is why when I found my sparkly slippers slightly stretched and warm.. I was devastated. It was almost heart breaking. She thinks she can get away with anything.*cries*

But yes, I would like a not-very-excitable dog. It's a thought. Unlikely to happen within 18 months.

Veebs, Loksee, Holly and Peter also went to watch Charlie and the Chocolate factory with me. The scariest thing was that the Oompa Loompa people were all digitally the same face. The music was largely incomprehensible but I liked it. The most hilarious moment was when Charlie got the golden ticket some people Gasped aloud. *gasp* *laughs* It's like, even if you hadn't read the story the title.. really.. logical..



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