Thursday, September 15, 2005

beautiful day

GoOdmorninG~~ hardly morning, nonetheless, I can happily inform you that I slept well after a very difficult 2 weeks of assignments. I mean, in spite of the fact that I have one assignment due weekly still... Let me just omit any recollection of such pain right now. Until sunday anyway, when there is something due on Monday. *grimace*

BUT Yo! What's been happening besides my passing out over masses of documents?? Holly and I were using one of those rare 45 minute breaks eating in Kura and loudly talking about organ transplants. Personally, I feel that if my organ can keep working for someone else, then that's a good thing. A lot in life, I think, is a borrowed thing anyway. That is to say that I don't believe for one second I've come this far by my self *think metaphorically laterally etc* But yes, I couldn't hear anyone else in that restaurant except Holly saying "Who would want our liver!!?" something along the lines of our liver is broken anyway and I was clutching my head with my hands and saying "Noooo it's not true!! My liver is good!"

Yes, that is the day where I only had a grand sum of $2 and almost went hungry. *nods* Yes. It almost turned out to be an unpleasant day. (Note: if you have an outstanding debt owed to me.. expect my call.)

And so, I have woken up from well deserved rest *winks*, managed for the first time in a while use mascara in front of a mirror as opposed to using my princess ring on the bus. It should turn out to be a great day despite classes to 9pm and meeting Peter and Holly at 9am tomorrow morning leading on another 9am start of classes on Saturday... Leading to Sunday where I guess i will be doing assignment for Monday.. and ***Eyyaa... let me not think about it***

Gotta run - miss you. miss clubs.


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