Sunday, October 09, 2005


Hallo~~ *waves*

I finished reading that book, been falling asleep from fatigue, driving dangerously and procrastinating with excessive severity. In fact, while my parents aren't too pleased that I want to go to tahiti they are approving that i want to go to peru. So while these ideas are firmly planted in my mind, I note bleakly that it is subject to having available funds. No matter. Additionally I believe I may be buying tickets for my Uncle and Auntie and maybe some others to come over during Dec/Jan. And I am optimistic that .. it can happen... (*furrowed brow*) if only because for the next 3 weeks I am BOGGED down with.. things to do and thus expenditure should be low.

MY EXAM TIMETABLE IS A JOKE. I have exams 3 days apart beginning the saturday *before* exam period, the day after PR is due.. two weeks after ITL is due.. which I should start now. *cries*

having said all this, Movie night ais perhaps on Friday 28th October unless i subsequently change my mind. but it appears to be the only viable day for now. I realise that it's a friday and would possibly conflict with the usual friday night things. but we shall see won't we.

And there was a guy in the notetaking class I had yesterday (it was their last one for 2005) and he was absolutely hot. Looks-wise he was uber attractive anyway, but it was the charismatic personality, intelligence and sense of humour that really puts him in the HOT category. From observation, you can tell he is unavailable. It's in the sure-ness that they radiate and how they carry themselves when they talk to interested girls - btw, this characteristic also belongs to guys with sisters and can get along with them. It's more a women understanding that you can either see they have or they don't have. But he seemed to be the pretty secure type ( = taken).

The relevance of a guy's capacity to understand women is very important. Can it be learned? Sure it depends, but i tend to think that no, no it cannot. But this makes sense because it's just me who is part of that category of those impossible to understand with moodswings etc etc and thus only people with the highest capacity would be attractive. (see.. if all you are going to is glare impatiently when we feel irrational issues beyond contemplation and don't know that patient weathering of the storm can be aided by something as simple as a kitkat.. or the answer to 'what's wrong' is 'nothing' and you think righto and go do something stupid.. well go home) But this is all besides the point..

I haven't been eye-guy-spying (ok ok i have) (can't help it if they have group exercises and i don't have to participate). Some guys simply attract attention but you see some drama-kings dunno when to quit, i.e. no humility or simply no common sense (these are no-no's). Some people raise the significance of a moment by adding their personality but not to the point of distraction - i tend to believe this is rare in guys, and so quite coveted if not jealously guarded by their girl and guy friends alike. Anyway, so i noticed he had this and whoever he loves, they would be so lucky. His security with himself is a sure indicator that his relationship is also secure. which means that he's loyal.. ya ya~ he's hot. viola, so there *are* people like that.. *laughs*.. and his group presentation was brilliant but i'll stop talking about it like a stalker since it's a one off

my notetakee's guide dog sleeps in class and makes muffled barks in his dreams.. totemo kawaii wane~~


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