Sunday, January 15, 2006


mental note: uni summer commitments are pressing.
and check library fines.

friday it was emma's farewell. I don't have much to say about that, except I had a great time absent mindedly nibbling on edamame. Judy, loksee and I managed to order comprehensively. Thus, I ate so much. The tuna was terrible beyond complaint - but it all looked decoratively great. Unrelated, I felt utmost satisfaction when i stuck a HUGE piece of karage on loksee's plate. (Hu hu hu) *winks* I don't recall the motivation for that action but i'm sure at the time it made sense.

what else did we do? we were put to shame looking through Clement Art's brochure. A six year old can draw better than I can - but that is a good thing, i'll just pretend i have mastered impressionism or abstract or cubism. judy also put self-re-lighting candles on em's cake and watching the ... gravity bound vapour falling on the cake when the candles relit themselves was totally worth it. *laughs* (small thrills, wakeru ga mo ii no da *winks*)

Then wen, loks and I attended to bier in der bavarian bier cafe on York. The music was soo for Gen-Y. reminiscence max - and I am talking about music we would have grown up since the age of 3. the place is good because you can actually talk to people and it was spacious. The architecture lacks creativity - but hey it was oddly comfortable. Although the comfort was destroyed when a Finnish man was too free with his company.

friday late night - i was feeling miserable. didn't really want to reassess my life but somethings are absent other possible ways to infer. constructive notices every where.

saturday i woke up late and got a lift to Blakes. Happy Birthday Blake!~ It was another amazingly good time. I sat musing at other people's conversation because it was too deep for me. I have every reason to know I'm pretty boring - but that's a good thing for everyone else, because i laughed long and hard at a lot of things. But for my cat pillow Gon i wasn't all that prepared for a sleep over. as a general thing - it's plainly obvious i've been half hearted about any thing these days.

(mike just berated me for eating 8 ferrero roches. that's what i get for being supportive of his chips binging.)


Then today i came home. listened to sooky songs that i like. and Wen came and visited me. A visitor~~ yay~. this is the third surprise visit (less than an hour's notice = surprise) i've had that have come at moments to make my day. we chatted about some serious and unpleasant things, but it's those conversations that make things seem okay and reasonable and plain again.

In fact the theme briefly raised at blakes was reitered here. My question was, what is the best way one breaks away from another. It was suggested that one *must* use the incantation "It's not you, it's me" *laughs*, otherwise cheat or otherwise annoy them til they leave one and be guilt-free. hrm.

I think about all this in a reflective tone - i hadn't felt up for anything in quite a while. *shakes head* i dunno why that is so. Hence on friday night, after I meet up with some people, i think we should hit a comfy bar and buy a few rounds. *nods*

oh - at blake's we may punch with pineapple juice (1L) peach schnapps (250ml) absolut raspberry (200ml) malibu (200ml) bacardi (200ml) more vodka (100ml) orange juice (1L). It was smashing. But this recipe isnt strict because we were saying 'more OJ' and nat poured more schapps and some one was quite free in his dispensation of vodka. It tasted like pine+OJ+raspberry punch and non-alcoholic. Smashing indeed.


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