Wednesday, December 28, 2005


oh my poor feet from freshwater beach. Over-exposure to hot sand, salt scrubbing waves and salt water is somewhat painful. owwee.

the day begun as they normally do. I woke up. Didn't quite know what we were doing or when and waited for gabe to come get me. Specifically i woke up around 11am after falling asleep at 2ish since Holly came over that previous night (sunday) and we watched some movies with my family.

Anyhow the beach was excellent. Excellent. I mean, sure the waves did pretty much tear apart what i was wearing and so i was straggling to tie bows back up as more waves seemed to menace consciousness... but i survived and was so happy i was making sand angels when holly appeared at 1:50pm.

We both wandered down to the surf, she with surf board in tow, me with the foam body board.. (surf board was violent. smacks people. not very nice). Anyway, we stepped in the water and just stared at the waves that seemed to get bigger. Not so big as those real surfing waves, but standing mid depth in water, the waves were my height and crashing down with a frequency of 3.5 - 5 seconds. It's all fine if you're pleasantly bobbing in the water, but when you have to hold on to a board that holds the waves as it curls and dumps the lot of us... salt water in eyes, mouth and ears.. it can be quite defeating. but fun. *nods*

After wards we just dumped ourselves on our towels. I think we were sunbaking but I was more simply resting. You could hear the waves with your ear on the ground and twas so relaxing. *nods*

Then we showered and went to see Narnia. I thought some bits of the film were stretched out really long and some bits too short. It was interesting yes. Prior to seeing the movie, we were finding things to eat. I ended up eating 12 dumplings as we walked to mike's place wherein i just decided to lay on the couch and move as little as possible as the fire alarm was blaring.

Anyhow in Narnia i ended up moulding with the seat seeing as we were slightly late and ended up sitting 3 rows from the front. I liked the horse..

Then Happy Birthday Bronwyn. Tuesday went to Bronwyn's house. Loxi and Laura got there before I did. And Gabe came latest claiming he couldn't see my monged vehicle (yes i rear-ended someone on xmas eve going to holly's - i think i forgot to post about that. but there you go. *sniff* and i beat cream into butter which seemed to impress people *laughs* ah well..)

But yes at Bronwyn's we had a great time vegging out and watched The Ring and The Ring Zero. Which was quite scary.. and one one 200 metre stretch of Arterial Rd the lights were simply off and it was incredibly forest black. Those two sentences were unrelated but yes all was well and now i'm going to sleep.. *mutters to self and wanders off*


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