Saturday, December 17, 2005


Well kringle shall be on tuesday.
Meanwhile, since last post, i've been wandering around doing miscellaneous things. Went to uni for those block classes and found out that that building has the issue of the wireless being completely open for all and any to use. I'm serious! no log in or whatever. But i found out on the last day and so i believe it would have been entertaining for people sitting behind us to see that all lap tops had misc programs on it. E.g. skype etc. Note: this was only in the parts the lecturer wasn't saying important things.

And furthermore, the room sits up to 60-80 people but has only 6 powerpoints. Of course a student brought in a 4 socket powerboard and that meant no one had to give up their computer but we all had to sit in pretty much the front row and the was cables galore. Amused me quite a bit.

The air conditioning was heaps cold though.

tuesday went to movies, thursday went shopping and subsequently dinner with holly and others. To keep explanations minimal, i realise we do talk quite loud. The funny moments included the changing colour vase that was purple in on end of the shop and then sky blue at the other end. We spent a long moment debating whether baby pink or pale violet was better. Taking a violet vase holly and i browse through aisles of doulton, villeroy and boch etc etc and then suddenly holly shoves the vase in my face and says "omg, Is This Blue?" I looked at her and said, "Yes. It .is blue." and then we were gaping "Huh?!?!" And walking between the two ends of the rooms it wen purple, blue, purple blue. It must have been due to temperatures? But then i grabbed a pink vase to see if IT would change colour and it did not.

Then later at the check out we were so shopping buzzed that i felt i was casting quick glances here and there and everywhere to see what else i may persuade myself to buy. Then it occurred to me that I must have looked like a criminal perhaps and tried very hard to restrain my eyes from picking out shiny bits of ribbon.

The only other comment i should make is that for some reason i'm reverting to the critical self i didn't feel i was entitled to be. but only in front of some people. I'm not usually mean, honest, but i can be selective of the offences that i take.. or just feel like bantering to disarm defences..

today, parent's friends came over. 3pm til midnight. The only thing i want to say is that there was a 2 - 2.5 year old boy there and Josephine, Alice, sabrina (his sister.. of around 7) was playing with him. Anyway, i was running around the backyard with him and jo and suddenly he threw up. Both of us were like "Oh my~~" but he didn't cry (aw.. such a soldier).. and to reassure him that he was ok I picked him up, vomit and all, to find a glass of water.. and i should go change my shirt yes.. *wanders off*


At 22:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

babe! add an "I" into the link to my blog...scared me for 2 seconds when i clicked on it and it was someone else's blog!!!

and most startlingly, it started along the lines of, "i've just had a bad breakup!" when i have absolutely no intention of that happening at any point in the forseeable future!

At 22:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe, and the vase is sooo pretty! let's go back and buy more things!!!

At 15:22, Blogger juice said...

... ahahahhaa.... sorry. inadvertant typo! with bonus amusing consequences..

Yes! Let's! I need to buy a lettuce crisper.. and other miscellaneous things *nods*


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