Monday, January 02, 2006


*waves* I hope you're well and that the eccentric mood New Years incited in everyone is slowly cleansed off. Ah, the significance we put in counting the days on the calendar. It amuses me.

Meanwhile, I haven't thought of any resolutions. (none that I could stick to anyway - but admittedly the thought hasn't been too serious on my part), so if you have some suggestions that are not too offensive that you think i should apply myself to - let me know. (warning: this is not a licence for you to say absolutely anything and I disclaim any liability if you incur my wrath afterwards or otherwise).

New years eve was spent relaxing at wendy's. *three cheers for wendy*. The highlight was seeing Wendy, Donna, Loxi, Pete, Wen's peter, William, Carl, Lachlan and Minx. We managed to teach Carl some water skills, float absentmindedly in the pool waiting, just waiting, for someone to look out and wonder what so many immobile half sinking bodies were doing (but no one cared! buu.. we couldn't been face down in the water and they would not have known). I have some great pictures of the boys stradding each other in a biatch fight. They were hilarious and slapping each other like girls.

There were lots of vegging out and then they decided to make an effort and try to see some fireworks. Cruising around at 11:30 pm meant that we weren't anticipating to get all that close - but loxi, wen and I recollected our great cross-country running around the park near nsb and so we went there to feed mosquitoes and see some sky popping fizzy lights. In cross-country we walked and avoided doing laps as much as possible. It was so incredibly crazy. Then we started remembering other crazy things about school.. like how the D&T staff room was like.. a closet of teachers.. oh it's all so amusing~

Prior to this, we had to go to pete's house to fetch some board games and so I drove donna home on the way and we went briefly on a drive. And, the boys in the car were horrified with my driving capacity. You kinda get the idea when you have someone telling you the light is red. I mean, yes i noticed that. and okay, i brake late (hence previous accident). And i don't visibly check blind spots (as in i do check them, though you may not notice.. at least.. i think i do). And i may sometimes not indicate when there is no one around to witness me indicating. And gabe was right about the pitch black road thing which I won't explain here because it may inspire people to do crazy things that are indeed incredibly stupid. Anyway i forget what i was saying.. but everyone so think about getting those hybrid cars.

And i painted a picture for you.

P.s. we were all asking wendy where we could drink the water from her fresh water pool. She gave it a moments thought and then replied "Well you could try. But the water has touched everyone's nether regions..." and then later we discussed those urine detecting inks which would be interesting.

P.p.s i feel inspired to repaint a wall or two and thus a shameless plug for Bio paints *yay*. I like! I like! *claps* I want people to come with me when i go shopping for ecologically friendly things, see you there! *winks* then we can go to campbell's cash and carry after. t'would be totally cool. *laughs*


At 17:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Yay! Three cheers for Wendy!!!)

Joyce, I think we imagined the mosquitos (it was Carl's paranoia).

And btw, you drive fine.

New Years resolution: get a hybrid car.


At 22:48, Blogger juice said...

.. Thanks loksee. well i still shall be more conscious and drive even better. I hope. Particularly if i'm aiming to get hybrid car. *thinks* and those hybrids tend to look a little less safe - wait - i'm thinking of those smart cars.. Oh well. I think .. if i can start saving.. things shall be interesting.

see you on sunday!


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