Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Yay. 5 subjects over and not required to repeat. *grins* I can't say I'm too pleased about evidence law. But I woke up this morning at 5am thinking 'oh gosh - results..' and onestopadmin would not let me in due to their overloading traffic reasons. And you know how they say 're-login in 15 minutes' I kept trying every 15 seconds to absolutely no avail and then fell asleep dreaming that i could see my results in size 6 font tiny verdana print saying 'failed' and then i contemplated how I would not have to hassle sydney uni about the summer course which has not been finalised.. it's been like.. such a saga.. (i'm disappointed PR gave me a C only.. ah well that's over)

Last night was our lil kris kringle night. (kriz krinkle after a few drinks) *nods* and though quite a few of us (em, loxi, judy, laura, wendy, holly, pete, peter, mike, raf and rui), arrived to Una's around 6 we didn't order til 7 then ate til 8:50 and rushed off to karaoke to meet (anna, josephine, jim, pat, warner).

mm. there were some seriously crazy and LOUD moments. I only know that a certain loud someone kept telling jim that i cut three of their songs and getting me into trouble. all of us were thoroughly entertained and i just realised that i didn't hear the song 'Go west'.. if anyone has a clearer recollection they want to share please help me type it. I mean, i'm sure i can remember but just not right at this very moment.. and beer makes my short term memory very short term. I remember jim and pat wearing the xmas bonbon hats and some very very popular songs. Total eclipse of the Heart being a moody varied song had me nearly put my lung into disrepair.. oh oh and somehow i got a cut on my hand.. pat got burned.. mike got headlocked and squeeze (by pat).. jim got tripped (by the same culprit) by a curb.. anna and warner got hugged on different occasions (by the same culprit).

I have to say though, Mike was way funny. His "Let's go to Maccas" and then in maccas he professed high regard for his triple cheese cheeseburger and later was observed sitting with his arms up like a bird for at least 60 seconds.. for reasons that no one knows..

Me wonders whether jim got home alright with his .131 breath. Funny how we respond to his use of the breathalyzer as a game.. and (for bronwyn if she is reading this) in Galaxy on George i saw the Big one red button game!!!!!!!! *laughs*

anyway.. i am getting up and.. mm no i'm rolling over for an extra 20 mins or so ..

p.s. not happy caroline


At 17:27, Blogger Mike said...

I got headlocked? What the hell?

At 19:12, Blogger juice said...

it looked like being headlocked. maybe it was just friendliness then?

At 09:46, Blogger Mike said...


At 12:38, Blogger juice said...

yeah cheeseburgers are therapeutic perhaps


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