Friday, January 06, 2006


I'm making the effort and putting up some pictures. At the moment I regret that I haven't been in a good mood. All this dwadling with only Legal Accounting to do. Oh save me now~

These are some photos from New Year Eve's Day and generally of my friends up to their no good antics. I gave them notice that I was putting these up and since I have no heard any dissent here they are. You may also click on the badge of photos bottom right to see those few things I've put up. Quite frankly, photos just tend to be too embarassing. *winces*

Here we go:
(1) There's the pretty pool I spoke of

(2) There are some of the boys doing .. what boys do.. I think.. *laughs*

pool fight

pool fight
(3) Here we all are

bunch of people

The photos should always be viewed at that sort of size by the way. *nods*

I'm going to wander in my own thoughts now. If you have chocolate.. send it my way.. *waves*


At 00:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u bring your toy out at

At 03:02, Blogger juice said...

no Squishy has been with me again since around Xmas.. and for your information I'm using my wallet again.. and my wallet is being increasingly damaged looking.. =(

At 09:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol! Squishy is not a toy.
Squishy has been around so long, I almost do not recognise Joyce without him.

At 23:26, Blogger juice said...


that's right! Squishy also camouflages with sand, and thus I make a mental note not to carry it to beach.

When are we going again by the way?
But - my swimwear tan is beginning to bug me.. *grimace*

At 02:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Squishy is unhygenic, but nice.

At 23:25, Blogger juice said...

well yeah

squishy holds money, and money is unhygenic. I mean, the thought is ewww. but i don't see you sensitive about that.

At 23:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

unhygenic...oh i won't touch him/her/it...might get malaria or something...


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