Saturday, January 21, 2006


Firstly, happy birthday Will, and happy birthday Viv~

It's been a contemplative week. Friday we went and ate some spanish food which was lovely but perhaps not quite my taste. Although previously i had some good ol' tom kha soup but it tasted like vinegar. I've been picky and haven't found too many things that i want to eat. so please don't give me a choice - i can't decide.

and i think i may have offended people by saying that the sounded Bi.. perhaps I should have used the word femininely - in attitude. No one else things that so i stand alone. it's all interesing.

Then after, and Jim berated me for my organising skills - but i can't help it if people don't want to spend time with me - Wen and I joined them at viv's karaoke. which had it's moments. mainly tessa and pat were being excessively loud. and the boys did a terrible job of showing me how to play dice - terrible because i have no idea how to play and they didn't explain at all.

and so it goes on. mostly people were same old same old. mike yawned a lot. And wendy and I were attracting weird attention from old men. I was wearing my green le chat t-shirt with the ink blot cat design and this.. waiter at the restaurante said to me "OH that's a nice pussy -cat" and i could feel wendy's open mouthed pointing and laughing. and you know, more of those sort of moments.

then on sussex st, jim, phil and bunko was bagging out this badly designed lancer. it's so terrible even i'm speechless. even worse for it it was parked between an e-class and one of those nissan things. and jim was saying how the guy, who compared to jim is nipple lactating height and fugly would drive around at 2 -3 am and pick the most drunk people resembling female. or something to that effect. i think i like my sheltered world.

meanwhile - referring to the title of my post, I had a really long dream and I think everyone I know was in it and we'd gone someplace like europe or canada, living in a huge archaic dormitory type place. I mostly remember seeing people i didn't like and finding myself being forced to help them out while trying to escape with bubblier people. And e.g. they were wondering why i was helping those others out anyway - well because firstly, they were unavoidable in the corridors (incredibly frightening) and i delegated as much tasks as i could.. and the delegatees would be found out to be forgivingly incompetent. Yes, *nods*, it's my mean streak - but really, i'm sorry I stay well away from you if you cause me pain. and one day, i might get over it.

anyway some of my whingey conversations of late really reasonated - and i agree but i need to change my environment a little bit. job seeking here i come.. again. *skips away to find herseys chocolate*


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