Wednesday, January 18, 2006


it's been a fairly aggravating week. (okay, so i've been edgy) I hope the usyd fiasco is solved 100%.

lately,there is one individual who i feel is increasingly exuding stalker vibes. you know the usual confident asian guy who talks really loudly about nothing interesting, stands expectantly in my silence and expects..-shrug-. I got goosebumps even recollecting the thought. he's probably just nice, but gets on my nerves. but seriously if he opts to be in my group for group work and things, i hope it's not just to annoy me. he said something to me today and i gave the i'm-tired-and-spaced-out *blink* and he grinned and blinked right back. *Eyahh* "Get away! away!" joyce sobs mentally, "why must you annoy me so~"

And contrary to what yoy make think, i have considered the possibility he is just like that. yup. he is. just a catalyst that triggers a need to get fresh air over *there*. let's hope i never mention this again. that's another person for me to avoid at UTS, making a total of 4.

then after class today i went home and stopped at coles to grab some things. i'm walking along clutching a bag with mac and books, and bags of shopping when a car drives by and i hear a muffled "Miss!-I'm-*blah**blah*canigetyourphoto" and then there was a flash that had me blinking like a nocturnal animal about to meet doom. truly bizarre. for a moment i feared my dress was caught in my underwear or something - not that you'd think that's possible with an ankle length skirt but holding all those bags you never know.

*gives the sleepy-i'm-spaced-out blink*
*wanders off to snooze til well past day break*


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