Sunday, January 29, 2006


it's been a while, but there have been a few outbursts i've been wanting to make.. only i'm so incredibly swamped by uni tasks for the next 10 days, i'll keep this brief -

1. under the MLC centre, their food court, there is one italian cafe, and it has THE BEST pumpkin gnocchi I have ever tasted, in fact, the best gnocchi i've ever tasted, IN FACT, the best italian I have ever ever tasted. Ever. I am serious. You might say my standards are low, but that $8 tastes way better than any $60 i've spent on whateverwhateveritalianowherever. Hands down, no objections. Now, i only wonder if they keep that standard. So now you know how you can bribe me.. actually i shouldn't say that and degrade my moral stature.. but you do know where I'll never refuse you for lunch

2. The bath bomb holly and i fondly refer to as Fat Carol i finally used about 5 days ago. It was the lavender glitter-packed xmas edition one from lush. Anyhow, sometimes I still see bits of glitter one me despite the showers, the clothes changing and sweating.. ew ew i know hey, i like glitter.. it's so teenage-y and old-times like. oh, there's something fun about using a glitterbug and then seeing a trail of it all over your friends and they're property.. yes a pest to them perhaps, but it's worth my amusement c'est nes pas (rhetorical)

3. Do NOT go to the sauna and then jump in the pool. Please. It's for your own *safety*. Mike and his friends, *shakes head* here's speaking to you. You sweat and open all your pores in the heat - then you take nice shower to rinse off. You don't jump into a chlorine/salt.. germ.. water that has touched everyone's nether region.. pool and expose your defenceless skin to such irreparable damage. If anyone pushes me in the pool after sauna/steam room, they are disowned as a friend. No appeals, no reconsiderations, even pumpkin gnocchi cannot save you. Oh, if you do it all the time, go ahead, maybe you're immune. And it's not like i have nice skin, on the contrary, but i don't need further reasons to break out in rash.

I still remember in november when i broke out in rash - i thought i'd never recover. it was winter and i had to try and sleep with a cold+damp silk scark on my belly where the rash was. It was cold. And i couldn't move. but buu, i complain of a lot of things, but i'm easily ill-taken..

recent ailment has been stress. since the usyd fiasco, i can just feel stress. it's almost like i can make my heart skip a beat - so that is why i've been scarce.

But happy new year - see you all in February.


At 17:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

babe! xanga...not zanga!

arghh! cat trying to eat all my wrapping paper and stuff....*sigh*

can't wait to come home!

At 22:52, Blogger juice said...

urgh.. my typing is increasing pathetic..

i've decided.. i can't be bothered typing out and putting the links in anymore! i'll just have to make a list and stick it with links so i never have to worry about html and typing urls again. particularly mike's - after he changed it - i just never remember.

hehehe neko-san wrappu-papier daisuke..

At 22:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gnocchi is still excellent, had it yesterday (Wendy)

At 15:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. so - when shall we meet up for gnocchi.. thursday week maybe?

At 01:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha! my uni frds! they're 18, what do you expect? but that's what makes them fun to be with, even though it's bad for ur skin. *lol*

At 17:20, Blogger juice said...

I didnt say they weren't fun to be with.. it's just *shudder* - i almost have to think about what kinds of soap I'd use after a sauna because it could be harsh and trigger rash... but it's okay if you rinse with cold water first. *nods* or so i think..


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