Thursday, February 02, 2006


I have a feeling I could never donate blood. It's more the fact getting three small vials for medical testing is difficult enough, but donating a litre might take a while. The nurse said I had small veins and that she'd had to use a baby needle. and i can't tell you what a baby needle looks like because I wasn't looking. but owwee.. i have one of those spot bandaids on my arm *sniff* and i'm allergic to adhesives. but I think i'll be okay. *nods*

not much else i have to comment about except that now I think I know more American history than Australian history. That's likely to be an overstatement because otherwise I'd be conceding I learnt more history in one or two lectures than my life so far. Which would be strange. Anyhow, i've retrieved the outline of the history of China and may read that after forthcoming exams.


At 02:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh! remember that i have the complete history of china on audio book if u need. wahahaha! but i think ur after something more concise...=p

At 17:16, Blogger juice said...

complete history on audio.. i'm not sure I could live through that.. anything that is the 'history' of 'China' is just the concise version. You could look up any particular thing in the history and find another book on it! I'm just seeing what I may be able to sustain myself through.. hmm..

I have 'An Outline History of China' which is the size of Tolkien's trilogy in one.. I think it shall be interesting.


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