Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Re: movie night

Dear All, Wendy requested that I make a special post to note the movie night occasion that happened like on Easter Saturday.

I think Wendy should write this post. The Ice Queen was such a dodgy dodgy B grade flick. It really made the night memorable because of the cringe factor and classic corny one liners "I'm not a hooker! I'm a law student!"


At 16:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need to post a video of the ice queen doing her "sexy dance"! Although I think that the best moment of the night was at blockbuster when the guy at the counter asked us if we were sure we wanted to borrow the DVD.

At 10:33, Blogger juice said...

Yes. The guy at the counter. "Are you *sure* you want to borrow this?"

me "Is it not good?"

him "there's a wet t-shirt competition at the beginning.. but no"


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