Thursday, September 28, 2006


I want to thank the Vice Chancellor for helping me take a photo with the Chancellor.

Friday, September 15, 2006


mm.. i hate how foundation/powder/lipstick has some sort of unforgiving spite and leave traces on clothing. by traces, i don't mean the type that can only been seen by forensics.

went to do court observances today ... bought some food... went home and napped. 6 or 7 more weeks of this unforgivable timetable. but then i check myself because work is going to get busier..

Note: 29 sept - 7:30.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I, one who is usually easily amused, am feeling so bored. tired and bored. tired and bored but not sleepy. buu.

This must be a sign that i start to diversify a little bit. *frown* list of to dos: 1. consider work prospects, 2. consider finding a compatible bf, 3. meet up with the girls, 4. work out where i'm travelling, when, how... 5. enrol in further studies (?), 6. find other assorted things to do out of interest, 7. find buddies to go on various excursions, 8. cook more, ..

that's all i can think of for now..

Thursday, September 07, 2006


everyone - the unspeakable has happened. the 2 dozen doughnuts a colleague and i bought - for reasons to share and then her to take home to her family - her manager unceremoniously gave a dozen away to the cleaner (!! who btw, ignores me), and left her with 3.

3 out of 24.

totally biazarre. and i'm not happy with this.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


random babble about HR - just from the few interviews i've been to I've noticed that HR people tend to be tall and brunette. And I should mention that i'm always tramatised by interviews and we ought to leave that there.

some people are still surprised that most students work and study at the same time? what.. that's not new, it's the norm. recently i've been contemplating boarding a plane and going somewhere without telling anyone.

dilemma is the fact that hand luggage may be searched with rigour and hand luggage is all i'm intending to take. hrrm..