Sunday, April 03, 2005

Origins - Checks and Balances (Canberra)

Ok. The title of my blog is no longer song names.. but once again random. Unlike some people, I don't have 60 gigs of music..

Yay. Saturday.
I was just in the city a few minutes ago. When I got there, I had mental blank as to where I was meant to go. I knew where. But I didn't know the name of the place... it slipped my mind completely. And what I could remember, or thought I did remember, I knew was incorrect and it just didn't fit. mega oops

So i got some exercise walking around and attempted calling a few people. but my eyes felt like glue. Home is a very attractive place when that happens.

Toniiiikaku, me come home. I think maybe my advertising assignmentry can be briefly revisited with my 5% mental capacity. I think, I am optimistic and irrational.

So thursday, me with no cat pillow left the house. Was directed to catch 7:02 to Blue mtns.
I caught a bus from Lane Cove at 6:33.
Those were 27 very vexing minutes. Going down freeway, lining up behind 5 people to buy the ticket, leaping on train at Wyn, leaping off at central, faced by that tunnel to the other platforms that always seems to be deserted, going up to the platforms and not knowing what platform I want.... walked across platforms spying at 9 to 13, cityrail staff tell me it's platform 7 at 7:00:56. Yes. I'm brilliant. And this scene is inconsistent with my record of trying to get to uni on time.

Blue mountains was excellent. Scrabble... muahaha! *yay* *claps* Drinking scrabble.. challenging. Single Malt whiskey.. mm made me think that I knew the songs I was nodding to, but I didn't. It was too chilly for me to sleep. Wafted between thoughts and reality. Sounds a bit like being mildly intox..

Woke up. Head to Canberra. Sleepyheads. Me with no cat pillow.

It took a very long time to get there.
I missed the turn off to Canberra and headed for Yass. This situation was noted and attempted to be rectified immediately. We aimed to get there by 'lunch' and then '2pm'.. we got there.. closer to 3.. but not quite.

Canberra was super. But I was close to tears for being so tired. My eyes were sore from the glare of the road that melted into the backdrop of crispy unwatered wild grass. Sometimes I couldn't see bends until they were 30 metres away and I was travelling at 130.. exaggeration? let's hope so..

Bronwyn was in classes. So touring the campus a bit and nearby surrounds was possible and pleasant.
Went to Lyndham for Pizza (dinner), went to Trivia, a Cafe and Bronwyn's friend's house.
Interesting things happended in all these places. you know. The usual. A few blunt, scathing comments. A few minutes entertainment on the pokies that cost us nothing except a few brain cells (How does the game work? So.. random.. and.. boring.. makes you want to hit 'gamble gamble gamble' in frustration. S-sama went to debarcle.

The moon was very nice. 3/4 uber big choc chip cookie. Saw the high court and other very monopoly-game like buildings and stuff. Bronwyn's friends were great company and very accomodating to the moods of one very tired me.

At the cafe, Lillipilli pikelets was in order and Bronwyn and I each ordered a cappucino. one Cap for me and one DeCaf-Cap for her. Now.. one Cap came and I obtained it. We were wondering whether it was normal or Decaf. I thought i'd ask when they brought the next one. Unusually, the other drinks only came like 10 minutes later and being unable to bear it, I had started drinking my coffee. I couldn't tell whether it was decaf or not. Different brands of beans do different aromas and tastes. But yeah, pikelets + coffee = joisu rambling like a nut. I don't remember what I said. I said an awful lot. Robert returned attentive but otherwise meaningless syllabic and paced replies. Mary had a look on her face which made me think I should shut up, but I didn't. I am told, my monologue was interesting and riveting. That itself is scary.

We thought we'd go clubbing. BUt ended up imposing on Robert's hospitality. and then returned to the Lodgings.
Played dictionary. I was so tired. We all knew Bronwyn got the Cap and I got the Decaf.. I really felt like falling asleep in the shower (that's how tired I was). But by the time I was ready for bed, I had passed the sleeping threshold and I buggered in that I couldn't move.. but my mind was awake / thoughtful

This is taking it's toll. And I'm being berated by my mother.


At 13:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your mother isn't too annoyed :/

And as I said before, I swear you had the rapt attention of Mary at that cafe - she seemed to be hanging on your every word.

Anyway glad you had a good time, and that the trip back was relatively uneventful? Or at least that you got back before midnight...

At 14:00, Blogger juice said...

My mum isn't annoyed by my trip to canberra..

She doesn't like lots of things that i do.. it's sorta stressful.

Yes. Canberra was excellent! and the trip back was fine too. Think two sonambulist-iish persons, with their ears blocked vaguely holding a conversation.. haha. nah it was good!

AND yes we got back beffffffore midnight.. *honestly*


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