Sunday, April 03, 2005

sundae morning

my group members have been spamming me all week because i need to do group work. Hence I'll keep this post brief.

CAnberra continued -
Well.. after my decaf.. nothing much happened. Except the room was really chilly too.. and I couldn't sleep all that well.
You say I could've gotten up to wear more garments? You forget, me too tired to move. Anyway, it turns out other people weren't as cold as me. So I was concerned for nothing.

On the road again. Came back to Sydney. Got back to Lane Cove and spent over 30 minutes in Blockbuster looking for appropriate films to watch for an evening only 3 or 4 people rsvp'ed. Had to call and confirm some attendees. *rolls eyes*

Came back home. Some attendees asked me what we were going to be eating...? And I practically yelped. I made the representation we would be eating here, but if precedent is followed, people never eat much at my house when I do provide provisions. AND yet~ I knew that some people would come over after work without having eaten.. So .. I bolted out of the house and saw loksee coming down the road. *yay* *me waved*

And, because my brother had a thing about my case of becks, I had to buy a case of VB for people. I haven't assessed the damage to stock yet. I think we finished half of what I had. Exclude counting laura's near full bottle which she abandoned. Oh and thanks Loxi for bringing juice.. my house had nothing. It was moofie night co-sponsored by Loxi! *claps*

ANd my god... 5 spillages. Hold ON to your drinks people.. they don't sit well on cushions and stuff.

So attendees (loxi, laura, wenko, holly, blake, dane, jim, petechia, sean) and I watched 28 days after. [Think joyce in blockbuster looking at the staff member "Hi.. do you have a film.. called.. 20 days..ago..?"] but yes, staff at blockbuster are helpful and nice. We were meant to drink everytime someone died. (I forget who made up that rule), but then after the guy was walking around an empty city for quite some time, I started to think we should drink everytime we saw someone else! Anyhow, when we were holding our beers that were getting warm, we changed the rule to drink everytime someone got hurt.. so.. baseball clubbing people *cheers*, some violent metal to bone and torn limbs *cheers*.. but i thought that film was a bit scary too.. yes.

Note how the female protagonist starts off as such a strong character and independant drive and then when she finds there's a man that actually seemed to care about her, she sorta loses that and has a preference to be taken care of, loved, optimistic and feminine again. No one else noticed? But that is really what happens to us..

Anyway. After this we watched 'The Eye'. Everyone was talking over the film. Random comments and criticism. But I thought it was scary. I don't think I'll be catching a lift by myself for a little while. I had my face in a cushion half the time. (and this film made it difficult to sleep.. and no, it didn't help that in the dark room at 4:30 am a few 'I have a knife' jokes were flying around..' it's kinda scary to share a room with three other people who don't snore.. like.. i don't have a preference for silence...) =_=

After this, we watched 'Wasabi' which was good (thanks Pete). French Japanese film. I really liked that one.

Then we played scrabble.. and that's another post.

So next post = about scrabble, about sleep (lack thereof), yum cha..


At 16:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was gonna be alcohol free! No wonder Jim sounded content on the phone. I'm coming next time! Provided no thumping headache again.

At 21:50, Blogger juice said...

An alcohol free party sounds good.


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