Friday, April 08, 2005

uber frazzled..

Nn. Sleep deprivation for quite a wild while+ being happy for quite a while= only a matter of time before mood got whipped. So now is the time for self-control, typing up gay assignments and not wondering why my timetable is so many thorns in buttocks.

Random, honest and reasonably-questionable thoughts of the moment are
* This curry tastes pretty good
* I think I ate too much today
* Control of moods and nerves was DEPLORABLE today
(Yes!! Me ought to be ashamed of myself *sniff*)
* Yesterday I visited Yang.
* I may not visit her anymore
* Because I don't want to?
* For a few matters I need some distance
* Advertising needs some distance.
* Staring at it is eating my hours and producing no output
* Scrabble needs some distance
* I have a love-hate relationship with scrabble
* Bank Account needs some distance
* Bank Account is in critical form
* mm.. have to do Yum Cha after all these things
* always sitting somewhere for so long is doing bad things to flab
* What happened to me sponsoring a donkey?
* What happened to my credit card?
* Walking around library is intimidating when I'm a student
* mm.. I want a nap..


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