Saturday, April 09, 2005


My god..
If Camila ever ends up on some denomination of the Australian Currency,
I'm moving to militia ruled Borneo or something.


At 20:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i read that we (Australia) didnt even give them a gift, so i dont expect coins. Unless for some reason she becomes Queen then she will be on the back of every coin.

At 00:19, Blogger juice said...

.. =_=
devalue our currency..

but i admire them as a couple for being in love for so long and not even de facto..

At 03:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is, queen elizabeth the second will most certainly out live her before she can be the queen, just look at queen elizabeth the first; they live loooong lives. They probably have servants that do all sorts of stuff to prolong their lives.

At 01:16, Blogger juice said...

yes. i guess. maybe it has something to do with the climate as well.

But now that you mention the Queen, it's disappointing she does present herself as a figurehead and bereft of my personality. but meh~ I dunno.


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