Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Köln - briefly.

Climbing the stairs of the Dom in Cologne will not fail to produce lactic acid in muscles and cause great great pain. The passage I will describe as fitting one 'average' sized American - not that I know what size that would be, but a snug fit for people to go up and down in. Going up is definitely harder because in round stair cases, taking the inner part of each step gives you this slice-of-pizza sized step to step on and no hand rail to hold. No one has fallen I think.

After visiting the Ludwig Museum which is more a Gallery, I was imposed unsolicited company. To refer to Holly's 10-day challenge which I made no effort to succeed in (laughs)after 12 days I obtained 2 unsolicited phone numbers.

The scene goes:

Person of dark dark middle-eastern appearance (the doubling of words was not a typo) around my height asked me if I spoke English. I said yes how can I help you. He says no I just want to talk to you in English for 5 minutes. I thought oh that's nice. And he accompanied along many roads. The way he carried himself made me uncomfortable.
He asks me where I live and I say 'Hamburg'
He claimed to be from France, and so I say ich komme aus Australien. And he says but you are not Australian. Well clearly. I also thought well you aren't French looking yourself!!

You know when you're in a technical situtation when you want to look at buildings and things are leisure but have someone to talk to when they suddenly talk about their sister who is married and ask 'Are you married'.

Me: I'm hoping to be
he: When are you going back to Hamburg
Me: Today
he: Why don't you stay a night in Köln
Me: Because I have to go back home today
( Curt, vague, direct, dismissive )
he: What time is your train
( I wasn't going to tell him I had the latest train!!)
Me: Later

blah blah blah
Me: Thanks for showing me around a bit but there are a few things that I'd like to do in Köln by myself
he: If you give me your number I can call you when I want to talk to you
Me: I don't have a phone
he: you don't have a phone
Me: No the place I stay doesn't have a phone
he: then how can I call you

Anyway I won't bother going on, just ask me about it when I see you in Joisu's German Chocolate and Gummi Bear tasting night - it got really intimidating.

The second number I got was from a taxi driver who drove me home after I got back to Hamburg at 2:30am. Here I told him I lived here and have been here 2 weeks etc. He started asking me about family and guardians. The scene is what I classify again as embarking in technical situation.

But yes, Cologne was a great one day trip.
The night before I met Katharina to watch Madagascar and then we had a beer, Duckstein to be typical German. When I got home, I was vaguely drifting to sleep and eyeing 'world' news on CNN when the tv went off.

I didn't turn it off, it went off.

I thought about the Thai ghost stories that people love telling me about.

The TV turned back on which i pressed the switch which is good because it meant I didn't break it. And which is again slightly unnerving..

Missing Home. Anticipating difficult to manage luggage. Anticipating seeing you at my chocolate tasting evening. (winks + waves)


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