Thursday, September 08, 2005


The inevitable has happened.

mm the new Tooheys ad has been revealed. But that isn't what this post is referring to! The ad, though, interesting, is completely sidelined for this other issue of which I may need to attend counselling for!

*cries* Yes Yes It is THAT bad! *sobs*

Maybe it's been the lack of sleep and bad time management. Maybe it's been a whole factorial of things like getting up from stacks of sleepless days and nights, never fail impacting ground formula (∫√KO + gravity = mass×acceleration ≈ pain), miscellaneous duties 8 - 8, cooking dinner (or so trying to) and assignmetrics to the dawn of summer! Hurrah! Summer. Being several months away. Spring 2005 is kick arse! Ya~ *points to mysterious bruise*

But yes, dear sir, dear madam, today, my lovely mac fell from grasp and hit the floor with a *thud*. Oh my.

None of my property never retains their origin look for long.. add a few burn, stretch and *destroyed* markers here and there. But my mac with it's gloatingly attractive titanium glow.. now has this chink on the side. *sniff**pats mac dotingly)*

In two weeks.. or three.. when I get a breather before the international trade law paper.. I am SOOOOOOO going to have a major major food day. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, flowers for my mac will be welcome.


At 20:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOW dare u drop ure mac!!!! dats SO EVIL!

At 22:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha..i like the ad. It just seems second rate...i mean if u are going to spam u could at least make an effort. Blog is informative. Dont't stop.

At 00:04, Blogger juice said...

I dunno where the ads come from. but if they amuse you then fine.

And *waves* Hi holly... sorry i didn't see you in lecture, i was.. resting my sore eyes.

And i've decided, i need to buy a keyboard for my mac.. OH&S.. my arms get sooo sore.. its painful..

Or i could write... right o.. *brilliant*


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