Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Eyaa. Just before I try to do this assignment. (I said that to myself last night, ended up staying up to 4 and having 2 hours sleep and a predictable timetable becomes ad hoc~ *cringes*).

Another day in the life of joyce
1. Get call at 7:40am from person advising of their lateness.
2. Get out of bed with the words "Oh, I'm on my way too.."
3. vaguely hear reply "See you at 8"
4. Reply "..ahh.. 8:30!..."
5. *hasty dash*
6. finish that appointment at 5:30.
7. Bus down to uni.
8. stopped at markets bar for extra strong mocha
9. pay $1.30
10.$1.30!?!? *surprise* bargain!
11. Am informed I got there at happy hour.
12. class
13. class
14. bus home.
15. limbs on auto-pilot, vision dyslexic-ish
16. cooking dinner. (basic noodles with whatever available in fridge)
17. shower
18. now at computer and it's close to midnight.

*nods* pretty boring and ordinary day. I have 9am start tomorrow (which i missed last week). Am also slightly concerned about extra creases around stomach. exercising and eating well doesn't fit in very much sometimes.


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