Sunday, September 04, 2005


*sniff* I just watched Quill ne. (no one would watch it with me and I had been waiting for over 8 weeks to see it.) not exactly the best film for father's day. Tears were just streaming down my face at times and even my dad had to leave the room. it was so touching... and tears are good. Hai, it was simple but i loved it.

Yada~ Assignmentry weekly til the dawn of summer. It's become more than pressing. 'depressing' "deeply-pressing".

Meanwhile I need some sleep right now. But thank you to those mentioned in the previous post for coming and keeping me company and on the teetering edge of sanity.. For those who couldnt make it, thanks for even considering - it was a big ask - and i wouldn't have had enough beer for you.. *laughs*

One funny scene involved a young man who was acquainted with my sister. He seemed to want to join our group activities. But to keep a long story short, Holly and Jim kept calling him "Little boy". He would retort in a slightly high voice "I'm not a little boy!". Jim thought it was convenient to refer to the boy in relation to his nipple height. Yes, I'm sorry. It sounds terrible, but i have diluted this description whilst attempting to retain the humour.

Then in the course of playing our drinking games, we all converted into doraemons, waving our fists and laughing madly. Then i swapped seats and well, became hopelessly confused and was continually penalised.

Then we went downstairs to sing things like 'raindrops keep falling on my head'. Well, Warner was singing. Holly was sitting on the couch and not moving. Gabe disappeared to watch movies. Jim and I were playing more drinking games whereby everytime *I* lost we both drank, and when he lost, he drank. just in that game we finished a 6-pack. i gave up, my stomach was refused to expand bigger.

Then there were four: holly, jim, gabe and me remaining. Jim had unceremoniously gone upstairs and meanly got gabe to return downstairs only to sit on him.

wow that was mean. i know jim gets violent, but this was just harnessed aggravation - stepping close to out of line *glares*. Really, some things border on unacceptable but are ok between friends, but Jim squashed Gabe.. this is when Brett or Mike would have come in handy because they are more likely to be use to this abuse.

Then between us on couches, bean bags, cushions and the floor, holly, gabe and I managed to share on queen sized quilt. The TV was lulling us to sleep when *yoink* Jim grabs a corner and *EEYYYAHHH* crying out the three of us clutch our share of the quilt.

there was a mightly struggle.
strong words were exchanged.

then it ended with each of us with our corner tightly curled in our hands and jim's limbs mangled under the quilt. it was ok for a while. Like the four grandparents in charlie and the chocolate factory and how they share the same quilt. It was exactly like that. Then jim would move a knee, someone would cry out and lash back causing a whole chain reaction of commotion. Then someone would say something rendered inappropriate by the situation and another whole lot of pillow flapping, elbow threatening, and hair-pinching would go on. .. even if we were delievered another 3 blankets, i don't think that any of us would have let go of that quilt as a matter of principle.

Needing sleep badly. *yawns*


At 23:52, Blogger Mike said...

Not only me and brett, you forgot pat, he is most handy. His indespensible.

At 00:34, Blogger juice said...

*laughs* Yes, Indeed!! Patrick is indispensible! *nods* - to Jim maybe. And maybe Gabe, because if Pat was there, Gabe wouldn't have suffered so.

But I see Pat so uber-rarely and talk to him less than minimally - it's quite sad really *laughs*.

read my lips: Pat is - - -!~

At 01:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like to point out that even though i wasn't moving whilst on the couch, the whole bloody room was spinning!!!! *sigh*

and i love ur decription of our sleeping arrangements btw!!

At 01:56, Blogger juice said...

*laughs* oh was it?

I was just getting increasingly agitated about my becks.. and i did catch some surprised / concerned glances from.. *cough*.. mm people. Particularly those who were not helping my defend my property!!

Even as the room spun, you screamed out two sammi songs with me. Then i turned around and saw jim leave the room and warner in pain.. *laughs*

At 15:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o good! payback to jim & warner for when i had to listen to them scream drunkenly and off-key at jim's!!

o! and on the topic of comments rendered inappropriate by the situation..i just remembered some of them!! hahahahaha!!!

remember u & gabe squealing under the blanket and then comments like "but itz hard!"!?! huhuhuhuhuhu!!! i think the other comments were even worse...!

At 17:08, Blogger juice said...


Holly you just made that sound so dirty!! eeeyyyyaaa!!!

But some of the things he said (referring to the floor and the blanket) was soo bad.

At 21:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes...and also those comments about being "too big" and "won't fit"!


At 23:43, Blogger juice said...

*shakes head*
yes it was hilarious.

...ano.. just remember who reads this blog..

At 11:27, Blogger =Koncret3= said...

Eh? I wasn't being mean~ I wanted him to drink~! He eventually ran back neways.
Joyce, you accusing someone else of being mean.. thats rich.

At 15:16, Blogger juice said...


ok. fine. you weren't mean. you were scary.


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