Saturday, September 10, 2005


Oh oh. I forgot to mention some funny things that happened at MK's. Funny things apart from him mentioning that eventually everyone in his church group would soon become related. Then it wouldn't be a party of friends anymore but a family gathering. *raised eyebrow* So that was clearly their insider jokes.

But MK and his brother have a young friend by the name of Rex. And that boy, seriously, is he sagittarius? So excessive and flamboyant. *laughs* reminds me of ..*cough*.. people I use to know. But yes, mike wanted him to set up a karaoke song and initiate some sort of scene. And Mk's threat was "Rex, look if you don't do this, you won't get breakfast tomorrow" and then the boy practically spun on his feet and gasped "No Breakfast!?" in a very Tolkien Hobbit like way. *laughs* So threatical and cute.*winks* Then the next few minutes he came from the living room to the kitchen several times with anguish painted on his face saying "But Mk i don't know how to use the remote" "How am I going to do this" "No breakfast.."

And then later when the scene was attempted to be carried out, all you could hear were laughs, protests and the poor boy's voice screaming out "No you sing! I can't sing this!".

But yes, my chinese speaking skills are a bit poor. *shakes head* And Mk's friends tried to be such an inclusive bunch. Very nice people. *nods*

Unrelated: the thing i was searching for this morning, I found. And in process suffered the fourth paper cut on my right hand. Except this is no midget skin abrasion. It's a paper cut. And it's 1cm in length. And though I didn't feel a thing. When I saw it - trust me *then* I felt it. That only shows how absorbed I was in my paper sifting..

Next upcoming event, lunch at Westin and then apart from assignments and potentially stupid actions, Lochie's B'day party.. it shall be smashing. *nods*



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