Wednesday, October 26, 2005


*waves* Hey youu.

Update: I have been eating Arnotts 'Hundreds and Thousands' like there is no tomorrow. ITL due yesterday was extended to give us another week ( a week i was meant to use for another assignment..) and ITL has met technical difficulties because my mac has become ill and unresponsive. *shakes head* of all days.

Meanwhile, I too, am ill and near unresponsive but that has been due to lack of sleep since MSG poisoning on Sunday night. *laughs* right, that sunday that holly, warner, diane and I spent walking around chatswood browsing at shoes for 2.5 hours - an impromptu excursion that combined my need to walk around or I'll go spastic (or spasm-mistic-ish) and Holly's need to meet exceed her fifty pair shoe collection. This was following a near sleepless night of movies. And that had followed an excursion to Rui's at an hour I was already sleep incapacitated.

Gabe was persuaded to come along. And so we were driving down along epping road at 35km/hour and occasionally slowing to the extent we were just not moving. I'm not sure why he did that. (Gabe, do you remember?) But I think both of us were so tired, we didn't notice. (Til Holly BEEPED us because Gabe stopped at a green light for 5 minutes? *thinks* *no i don't recall a reason* I was saying to him "We can go... we can go.." and Gabe was just talking.. (I forget about what) - you can see the whole event was a temporally spaced out..episode.

Oh - At Rui's I thought his friends were surprisinigly refreshing. *laughs* yes, they were so smart! (Not saying that MY friends are not smart - indeed you all are *wink*) But you see, they were talking through the batman movie about how microwaves evaporates water or something. We came in half way so I was wrapped in my arctic jacket (I know it's spring.. *sniff* but i still get cold) and trying to understand what I was watching. Holly and warner were talking about Bi people meetin warner at his counter at work. *laughs* - that is highly inaccurate but I wasn't listening. They were loud. I overheard - incorrectly. I think my version is far more interesting *winks*

So yes.. after all these events, I've been spread exiguously across all my subjects and getting quite pinched. And I don't think I get to see more than.. 5 or 6 trees a day. I haven't sat on grass for a while also. more easily depressed, more easily amused, be nice to me - i'm in a gullible mood.

Having said all this, I don't know what I plan for friday night. I am beginning to think that i might see who is up for mild dinner and get some early sleep.

*grabs another hundreds and thousands biscuit* *waves*


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