Friday, October 21, 2005


e is for empty
which is why we should be trying to switch to bio-fuels. many conflicting ideas and observations in that area, but if i learnt one thing from mr everett in year 7 science ( indeed that is close to a decade ago~ eyya) energy is not made or created but merely changes form. (and hopefully even that memory isn't incorrect *laughs*).

I am just taking a break and perhaps a nap before I try again to focusing on this essay. it has been a work in progress for so long, i'm sick of re-reading the same texts and displacing the core plot I thought had been firmly planted in my mind. It's been stolen or subconsciously i willfully misplaced it *nods* i like to believe the former.

Is it a surprise to oneself when and if you start to feel you're stuck and that you couldn't make any changes because there is nothing you may want to change. I suppose it's a realisation that one is ignorant, though it's only a suspect thought because the proof of it is kept hidden from you or something like that. Yet also, you don't know if you could deal with the proof that somethings are quite unfavourable in your life. well wardrobe, hair or whatever, all those things you think you may live without being told .. wakaranai..

But indeedy~ i think my cosine curve though not stabilised has recently been comatose from shock of the major recent not-to-be-repeated incidences in life. And yay~ it's raining which curbs my desire to go to the beach *nods*


At 17:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nearly a decade????? eeekk never thought of it that way. Still fresh in my mind though :) Haha.

At 22:56, Blogger juice said...

Fresh in one's memory indeedy~

I know you also remember clearly 'Tom's midnight garden' and things like 'Caecilius' and of course 'The ice is coming'. That is all from 1996. *nods*



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