Saturday, October 15, 2005


Hello. *blinks* I am definitely not going to oxford st tonight. I'm afraid the essay that has caught up with me has made no developments this week. so this afternoon when I get home I'm going for a walk maybe a swim and then hope to work on it to the wee hours of sunday morning.

Meanwhile, on thursday i found Holly and Gabe in the library. We couldn't muffle our peals of laughter while huggled together around a computer (not using it) in a very conspiracy-like manner. Then we decided out of le blau that we should go eat those dessert promos around the hotels in town. Leaving the library we decided to have a snack - at maccas. And it turned out to be a full blown meal eaten in a flash.

It was 10:30 when sofitel decided to bring us our order. and 12:30 when i got home. Which is completely unacceptable since I was trying to keep to a tight regime to conserve energy for essays and those other 4 subjects i'm enrolled in. but reminders aren't helping.

Friday i saw sugen, blake and matty down on sussex street. then i attended the testing day at wagamamas in Galleries. To my taste, fusion foods aren't my thing. It marks my second time at the chain and well, i'm not inclined to go back for several reasons. One of which is, for $25-$30 and some friends you could eat very nicely at other places. Waga is built for quick exceptional service and people who don't really want to be wowed. So it's trendy for some people and not for me. alas.

But Yaa.. see you soon~ *waves*

OHH MY i forgot to mention one of the most important things! On friday i went to lunch at 2:40 and got back to le office at.. 4:50. Holly and I discovered a new shop that is soooo fantastic it blows us away. It has the most exclusive, wide range of bulk buy personal care products everrr~ Man. It would sooo decorate and outdo all my origins products in my bathroom.

You can see why I'm the type of person who takes huge offence with 4 unknown people raid my bathroom and examine my drawers. They should get their own stuff.. *angry look*


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