Wednesday, October 12, 2005


*waves* yes bother timing me doing laps around town hall on various errands, time the amount of lapses I have in a twelve hour day.

If you are wondering why i may sound vague, quiet, demanding, unreasonable, slightly out-of-touch - it's because PR internship is sweeping me off my feet! Possibly, if I was there for 2 or 3 months, I'd have some placement and role, but as I am there for an astoundingly brief period for PR, but crazily long period for an overloaded full time uni girl - I am a floater, a casualty being demanded to assist meeting deadlines 8 hours a day 5 days a week~ *spins around* But it has been fun, and attention consuming. (needed: someone to tell me what has been going on in evidence)

So if i have annoyed you over the past.. three days (is that all.. felt longer) I'm sorry, you're important ne *nods*

so from my world, what have I been up to?

* well last time, i was dismantling vibrators and making them into promo material (no i didn't speak to anyone when i was doing that. people kept well away from me. vibrator + knife + superglue etc.. *winks* scary *nods*
* this time, they had launch for new Kids Awareness with water. I am choosing my words carefully in case they google their event and my blog comes up. (if it does~ *waves* hi...) but it was heaps of fun and it's completely new because the group we're promoting teaching-water-conditioning-skills to are parents and their 0 - 12 month year olds. Babies in water are amazing. People are not naturally afraid of water.. the fear is learnt or taught.. etc i won't go on about that
* I've been tying up bikini tops and bottoms for a new thing coming up. .. s'all good
* watching all these vibe dosed people slamming phones and going pretty nuts

tomorrow is only thursday but these 12 hour days are quite exhausting.


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