Monday, October 17, 2005


Hellu. Do you think I can live with one lung? In an unsurpassable failure on Sunday I think i now owe SSU one pound of flesh. But unlike the Merchant of Venice, the blood price is also fair. I don't know where my heart or brain is right now. No one would want my liver. So, yes, do you think one lung ...

I made PR sound riveting and great, but after my previous posts on PR related things, the staff there turned into attitude wielding people which has greatly affected me. I don't mind the learning exercise, but it's not PR related learning, it's being talked at learning, and being assigned tasks sometimes with excessive information which makes me reel, it's having a question which requires a 'yes' or 'no' response but i get a "NO~ I'M TOO BUSY RIGHT NOW" touche anyone? there is enough to go around. truly.

Thus today I completed my required duration. And though they may have me tentatively allocated up to thursday, after tomorrow, if i survive the Bu-bu that happened on Sunday (*cough* while I still have a left lung) I shall not step foot there again - ever - as an unpaid slave. They say every experience is a worthwhile one, and usually i have high tolerance of pain but the clear exception is if the cause of pain is emanating from a person or attitude related.

Keep me away from bartenders or be prepared to race me to emergency - or if you beat me, wait and i'll meet you there. Hrm. maybe i should say that when ITL is due in 6 days and worth 100% of the remaining after-one-lung life..


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