Tuesday, February 28, 2006


sugar is good for me. I have decided. After class today I was so tired (and there was no workshop, so usually i would finish even later - at 9pm) nonetheless, i was so tired, i became aware that my eyes were starting to water as I was just talking to a friend. In fact they are watering now - it could be autumn hayfever?

Autumn : time of tartan upcoming.. (tomorrow?) hrm.

What else is new? I've relieved mike of his phone and am using it. He's informed me of nearly all the factory faults. But so far it hasn't done too much it shouldn't.. amusing me a little bit. Well until important people call me and then if i stuffs.. i shall be slightly prepared and vexed. maybe/likely.

Forgive the ramble, not much new has been going on. Seeing heaps of great people i missed over summer around again, and also exposed to those that i find are not so great. Being antagonised but generally in good spirits. It depends. Lacking sleep has made me moody. inconsistent feelings making me moody. The fact that my sister gave home stock of chocolate away caused pure distress. But swinging at such a trivial low point meant that obtaining macadamic ice cream milk shake and macca's fries from UTS pete, seeing syriana with loksee and mike, finding out jim is recovered from fever (howda heck d'yu get fever anyway? *quizzical look*), making anzac biscuits, walking with mooley (for 4 metres).. have been highlights. Oh, my dad's birthday also - though my household not big on birthdays.

So overall, small good things offset my woes (well - after i pay nrma's unprofessional lawyers their $400 then some woe will disappear) meanwhile.. all i can say - is glucose.

(i never claimed to be always rational. in fact i deny all) *wanders off to mingle in the land of zzZzZ*


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