Friday, March 03, 2006


**New Low**
I have $2.45 in my bank account. Thinking of it as my initiative to save - since I shall no longer be making withdrawals.

On a healthier note, this semester has just kicked off. In addition to university commitments, I've taken a 3 day/week position in Admin work at another place.

Meanwhile, I have trauma in vehicles in the morning. For some reason I get travel sick. Hate to think what morning sickness is like. But I've always know that my mum's driving makes me feel unwell sometimes. particularly if i sit in the back passenger seat. Hmm. I know, no one needed to know that.

But it puts things in context as to how my day started. I woke up, la di da, everyone's getting ready to leave the house. Then when my mum is ready, literally it means everyone else has to be and out the door we are flung. Which is fine for Bing and my dad (Bing is what I'm calling my sister) who have been ready for half an hour already. But yeah I had a really harassed expression as I had to leave the house.. and the driving really is cream on top of all else that's hit the fan. *nods*

While I'm having such a big whinge, my account being in a capacity that's near death, meant that I had to go more frugal than I have done in the past. *laughs* i the past it was optional and (shrug) but yes, today I was accosted as if it was criminal to take a disposable cup in order to get water. If the bar was open, I could have water for free, yes, instead, as people may be familar, the Haymarket bubbler stand has such poor water pressure your face has to pretty much wedge with it's metal bits. Poor I am, but not desperate. (I went thirsty).

Still what was socially more interesting is the Union staff that gave me the overall haughty asian look. Let the obvious be stated, she looked like she originated from HK, I was resigned to an action that she was looking down upon (sneering - but in not that strong a tone). Chinese people can treat other Chinese people with contempt. Do I do this myself? - I would have to deny absolutely. I get extremely offended and upset at some attitudes but no, today was was treated with contempt. I guess the university system does seem to reflect the idea you can only come if you're in a bracket that can afford things. *sniff*

None the less, public embarassment over. She tried to charge me for the cup. I could easily obtain these and more hygienic water from Lib staffroom. Some attitudes are all pervasive. She rolled her eyes when I said that I thus did not want the cup. Shall I bring my own mug for drinks next time and will I get a discount? She was soo just picking on me. Buu.


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