Sunday, March 19, 2006


*joyce pleads fatigue*

Very apologetic to miss karaoke but Mike assured me that you all had a very very wild night anyway. So i feel more sorry for myself for missing out.. maybe.. maybe not - i don't want jim to collect incident reports of when i KO.. (I heard there was no air conditioning! What??? *Joyce angry that the place sounds like they wanted to comatose her friends* or maybe they fear legionnaire's...)

I'll try to explain my exucse, and recruit as much sympathy as possible without whinging (and Holly glimpsed me around lunch time semi-comatose outside the library - *laughs* sorry for not responding.. but you came up and blurted all your words of lateness and said bye byee~ And all i could do was blink.. =_=~) - so this is witness proof that I'm more dazed than normal. Yes. If you find someone or thing sitting on random street corners - it could be I. mm.

Then i did 2.5 hours transcribing. Then I went off to my r are - personal friend type favour -moonlight catering job. It started at 5 in Strathfield, and was meant to fini at 9 - but fini at 10:45 / 11:00pm. Some people weren't pleasant. And caroline would shudder, but the catering fellow (who with a mention, makes caroline look quite ill-taken), he was introducing me to some people as his new GF. -pause- If you understand that as an offensive joke you can go up one step on the friend ladder. If you just laugh, *joyce demands ladder back to smite you with*.

Then I got back to central, obtained the car.. drove to sean's to have dinner at midnight.. And driving was so hazardous - i don't think i drive good.. *laughs*/*grimace*.. and they completely sealed a 4 lane exit.. which was bad .. and when i finally got to sit down, i felt soo tired and my limbs felt possessed with parkinson's.. I may have looked like I belonged to a funny farm, which jamjar use to say.

So that is why I didn't go to Karaoke.

Movie night? --> Easter


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