Sunday, October 30, 2005


*owwie* I am using my coffee table as my computer table seeing as my desk is now a patchwork of books. And my coffee table is starting to sway a bit. So I took computer up with one hand and started to spin my table so that it would screw back in place. you see a blue and red light of this mouse spinning around and cords all catching eachother and now my wrist hurts.

all I can say for now is that yes daylight saving has kicked in. my driving and general motivation to stay awake is shocking. I realised today that it is sort of true that the car doesn't seem to go straight by itself. Generally haven't been feeling all that *aware* and thus may have impinged comfort zones - and so if I annoy you, or start to cry, or start poking you etc, no *shakes head* even I don't know why I do that.

I have also been pleasantly surprised by all the men i know who can cook. If i add thoughts about people men who can BBQ (indeed, i don't know any who can't - and if a man can't.. *useless*). But yes, in short, men who say they can cook can talk to the hand, and those who demonstrate it impress me. *shakes head* no i can't cook that well or I can if i have the leisure.

Speaking of food, apart from all those biscuits mentioned previously, I ate too many dried mangoes and think I have now got a rash from it. *unhappy look* It's one of the reasons I am not that fond of mangoes, i wouldn't choose it over an apple. And yet it was the only instantly edible thing in the pantry. my biscuits were gone, my chocolate was gone.. there is no bread.. there is potato salad, but i ate that for a few days in a row..

All these things and more are mounting up and driving vexation.


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