Monday, November 07, 2005


I said it a long time ago, but there are no uncertainties. 雖然不肯說 我捨不得你 and that is all there is to that.

Meanwhile, happy things are we bought new gold fish, buying flowers, eating foods and some miscellanous occasions have been a highlight. And unhappy things .. let's not go there.

After my exams I was planning to have a teppan-bbq at my house. I teeter between thoughts slightly. Either I do that, or send everyone a complimentary drink ticket for someplace. unsure, we shall see.

It just seems to me that i can appear petty. I'm gullible, i believe banter and unsupported arguments of friends but i do not adopt these beliefs unless they are proven. Or, please know I have the critical ability to recognise that I am wrong. If you think I bear the wrong ideas, i appreciate you may loathe me to resent even issuing a correction - but there are some reactions I need not be ashamed because there is history that is beyond your knowledge. If you think i need to justify myself, go ahead and say it. If i explained anything sometimes, it has to follow a whole trail of explanations. How does one admit to loss, to those feelings of being deceived though we would wish to appear it is not like that. Anyway, this post is a bit unhappy..

I think .. things shall be a lot brighter..

I think .. i shall need to go away somewhere..


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