Friday, November 04, 2005


*waves* I was reading something - oh of course, I was at the mac site where they have all the movie trailers because I was going to see what was the name of that clay-animated black comedy that laura wanted to see was. It has not appeared yet. And i saw a link to Siegfried. Like Ja, Der Siegfried - ein Konig in Die Niebenlungen mit gelb haare? Du kennst!~

Well, you know what I'm talking about - and if not, well, you know what I'm talking bout. So Tuesday i went with loxi to watch Pride and Prejudice - it came as quite a shock to me when I realised 'ohh right.. they will be saying the same thing as the BBC version..' It's like Charlie gets the golden ticket duh~ But since i generally think the Austen novel is sweet, i don't mind the film. Compared to the BBC version, there were noticeable differences. At some points the approach to a scene was completely different - you can tell because when you know the rationale of why BBC did their version their way, the complete break up of that mould at points was just so clear. These differences ever more transparent because the scenes in the movie ranged from the jubilant to the still. One particularly cute scene I liked. But truly, the cutting of corners was clearly shown.

Then i survived these few days. I was diverted from class on wednesday by happier prospects but really, someone remind me why some ordinary drinks cost $14 each? it makes me reflect that it would be more worthwhile stocktaking beverages at home. 3 drinks or a case of Becks.. oh the comparisons are endless.. in the end i settled for less. All was merry until finances at end of evening .. well let's say our wallets regretfully informed us of .. unwelcome news.. but that is what happens during gleeful diversions c'est nes pas?

The today - all was planned. Regret that the hole in Epping Road is still a cause of great pain in the mornings. regret that i have a lot of work to do. This did not prevent Jo and me heading to Maccas after Evi lecture for a snack. Reminiscent of being in germany and constantly talking and eating.. in between walking.. Uni should always be like that~ but alas~~

Sunday I am having lunch with Emanuel and Katharina. it shall be well, and all shall be well and all that shall be shall be well..
*winks* take care now.


At 00:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you saw Pride and Prejudice without me!!!


At 00:56, Blogger juice said...

.. Wendy?!
.. I'm sorry! oops.. i always thought that you watched everything before then hit the screens.. hehe.. after exams we should have a bbc day..


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