Monday, November 28, 2005


*waves* i have few criticisms or critical reflections to make - except i no longer like gin, i will not buy gin, drink gin and it is permanently scrubbed off my diet. (though i wouldn't exactly say that it was on my diet - but it is an interesting word to use). This new predisposition against gin and gin makers is, as usual, entirely unfair but because of my general tendency to succumb to dehydration - think coffee and things like gin, and also eating way too much pizza to be safe. It just spurred my rash from some unknown cause into intolerable proportions. And wet bandages, lacking sleep through days that feel even more despairingly cold due to wet bandages and no other form of relief, well i prefer for that not to happen again. *nods*

Loxi and I went to Stanton Lib today because Michael Leunig made an appearance to talk about his life, inspirations and changing outlooks to his cartoons. I've said it once, i've said more times than you may be able to bear - but I love Mr Curly and his Direction Finding Duck and the teapots! *gushes* *laughs* mr curly just reminds me of quiet inner reflection and that .. well i dunno .. there is just a beautiful understatement about him. In the new book i bought for bronwyn (and i got it signed of course) there is one page (okay so i had a brief look through it) there is one cartoon of Mr Curly's resolutions and it stated things like (1) I will think more about ducks.. etc. I love his philosophy.

Other than this, thanks to those attendees to pizza. And i shall keep you posted about Xmas getogether..

Oh - and i think i finally sorted out summer school and next year - now i just hope that i shall pass exams etc.. and my expenses have been out of control.. completely. *grimaces*

But ah well - see you soon! *waves*


At 13:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mr Curly transports wayfaring pilgrims
away from the bad mood of the world
to the peaceful shores of Lake Lacuna,
a small, mystical and beautiful place
of sanity which lies between the large,
uncontrollable forces, the great
powers and the major issues.
The little goat-drawn cart has been
carved from a huge potato"

*hehe*...potato =)

At 13:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mr Curly transports wayfaring pilgrims
away from the bad mood of the world
to the peaceful shores of Lake Lacuna,
a small, mystical and beautiful place
of sanity which lies between the large,
uncontrollable forces, the great
powers and the major issues.
The little goat-drawn cart has been
carved from a huge potato"

*hehe*...potato =)

At 20:11, Blogger juice said...

am I a wayfaring pilgrim?.. mm.. =)

if i get a pet, it shall be called Mr Curly (provided it has the same temperament!)(it would be something that walks around in circles continually amused, happy and likes watching ducks... then again, mr curly could end up being another fish that swims around..


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