Monday, November 14, 2005



enrolments are giving me issues. for example, sydney summer school - if they deny my application that i submitted from like 6 weeks back because they have been unable to finalise and seek assistance in a timely manner, it makes them represent a degree of incompetency that is just asking for an acid comment

meanwhile *waves* - i hope you are well and fine.
I have 2 subjects to go and both only worth 6cp surprisingly. I was not aware.. i thought one was 8.. I am tabbing my textbook (that is in brilliant condition) madly. It would be less mad if the post-its stop falling out.. but it's either post-its or permanent tabs.. and i have stuck permanent tabs in a wonky fashion and because they are permanent i can't get them off again.. (urgh. i tried and tore the page.. and to remedy - you just trim the tab straight.. but still.. it's just not the same)

recently i have been madly spamming people with my anticipation to repair my beverage cabinet, but due the overwhelming calls to 'reschedule rescheduleee!' i am able to shelve the idea for another month. Just as well - since i have spent money with great laxness recently (def lax - not stringent control).

Also recently, I met Holly for lunch. Where she informed me there is another acquaintence who shared my birthday. My response was a laugh and 'oh my' because we are perhaps the most sensitive scorpios to exist. See, no wonder, on previous occasions sparks of repulsion were almost igniting because the other one seemingly had a mood swing. Well at least now there is something i can observe and remind me to be less openly moody (don't anticipate that would happen soon.. lu lu lu)

Then another day i attended Pete's poker gathering very very late and managed to lose all my chips to Wendy in one go. I'm not game enough for poker and have no talent to win or bluff.

And one last aside comment that i will never ever mention again -re: Australian Idol. i was unlucky enough to be exposed to one of their 90 second advertisements and the three finalists were absolute grievous.. absolutely absolutely greivous. I don't have talent for singing myself (at all) but i have ears.. and i can hear.. The guy in particular.. he isn't singing at all. Saying out words to a tune..what is music coming to? *shakes head*

*skips off with post-its fluttering around in tow*


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