Sunday, December 11, 2005


*waves* yes that is me, scowly faced.

Firstly, drinks-immunity is deplorably low. Secondly, who turned off the heater? The weather was so much warmer than body temperature. It was like 38.4 and now it's like 26, so going bare back the other night was a bit cold. You tend to realise there is a problem when people are wearing cardigans. Yes, I was so jealous.

Nonetheless, that was friday night when holz, Ruiz, Raf and moi went to sing-a-long. The rooms in big echo and their equipment had some issues. We go off for a moment and return to find those silly boys singing by themselves in the dark. Reason? There was no remote to use the karaoke machine.. =_= mm But that was heaps of fun. Quite often we couldn't read the words at all, or simply do not recall the tune.

Thereafter the weather got colder, the waiting became longer and I had to wait for jade and that took so long I got excessively cranky that I was even close to being rude to people asking me for money on the street, had to settle for a seething angry look - but truly, felt so bad - who was I (someone getting angrier by the second after waiting for 90 mins) to give poor people attitude to... *sigh* later when we got the bus near home there were two kids seeking change for $5 and speaking to them i realised they just needed change to make a phone call so i just gave it to them. They wanted to give me $5 for $0.50... crazy kids. And previously i loaned my phone to some girl at the bus stop with no credit.. I think i was on a major low after reaching height of anger. Mental note, i hate being $0.10 short, without change, without phone and all those things that can be so taken for granted. And mental note 2: be careful if i get moody.

Anyhow, I was meant to have lunch with mike but i find that on these block classes we get 15 and 30 minutes breaks max and only. It meant not only i had to cancel lunch, which would have been a good thing, but i had to find somewhere to eat that would serve and let me eat within 30 minutes. I mean, places like kura would take 15-20 mins to make food, and some places just make me feel sad to be by myself at (buu).

Anyhow anyhow - xmas dinner friends.. details to be advised and discussed

And the year is ending soon.. buu

And I haven't received a letter to say i need to re-sit any exams.. either i passed or failed..

I need to move around or my limbs will go spastic.


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