Monday, December 05, 2005


Re: Saturday (happy birthday holz!)

It was just funny when jim finally turned up to drive me to holly's. It took me 40 mins to get ready - i call him and he says 'ok, i'll get ready now' and an hour later, he comes, by which time sean changed his mind and decided to come to the party. It begun a frazzling day where making numerous calls were all non-assisting and generally.. blah i won't mention this - it's not important.

Then began the interesting drive where Jim continually utters expletives over 'the bitch' which is the car's GPS thingy. He went off about how annoying 'she' was. And then, well, we gave jim the wrong directions and so he starts cursing us and frantically plugs some buttons of the GPS 'why isn't this bitch talking to me now?! we're lost..'

Nonetheless we made it. And we turned out to be less loss than Gabe who decided to try and locate us without the aid of a map even though the area was unfamiliar. Logical? I don't think we can apply that here (or anywhere on this blog)(it's simply incongruent *nods*)

At the party there were clusters of people. In the end, we decided to go with the crazy bunch. *laughs* well the bunch with people playing cards and breaking social mores camping on the grass with mike who would've been a happy boy if he had a golf club, anna who looked gorgeous as normal, tian who was tian.. but yes, even jim joined in the card games though he claims it bugs him at his parties. But as they were losing to sean and motivating each other to win with insults, we could hear holly's description of photos she was showing others from her room..

And then somehow i glimpsed a reclining person in the most feminine pose and further incongruities struck me. A flirtatious pose, great curves, the look of comfort and deep conversation with another boy. I'm not sure why i let myself dwell on the thought that much so as to laugh uncontrollably. yes yes i saw the worried glances.

thereafter the night cruised steadily along and i dozed in the Roger rabbit flick, watched Coach Carter, dozed in Kill Bill and just winked out during Scream. I recall the beginning of that last film... and then the credits.

later in the morning, we all woke up and took the extra discretionary 30 minutes to loaf around before *really* getting up. I managed to voice some recurring issues and i realise that perhaps i have whinged about it so much i really do forget i have whinged previously. I will stop that to extent possible.

in the afternoon met sean for coffee. it turned out to be an excursion to dee why. they have good rock pools *nods*. I remember in high school science we had to draw pictures of all the organisms we saw. thus we drew weeds and labelled them appropriately "weeds". but sunday we saw many midget hermit crabs, urchins and anenomes, fishies, crabs, starfishies and one large sea slug. *big grin* i have never seen a sea slug like that. and star fish had 8 legs and one had 5 legs. they have teeth underneath in the centre. quite a scary thing. and they can move by wriggling in a very cute manner.

i had to remember to ask CC where there are glow in the splash squid eggs? mm. yes, must ask. *nods*

Then today went to Wesley..
*crawls away to bed*


At 22:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

serious?! i'm intrigued! who was the reclining chick flirting with which boy?!?!?

At 00:38, Blogger juice said...

.. key word 'another boy' i.e. they were both boys that is all.. and so, when i say reclining etc, it's all sounding very Greek.. mm

i mean, i don't mean to sound offensive at all! my thoughts made and observation and some how i found it deliriously funny..

yes i know... tut tut..

At 20:47, Anonymous Anonymous said... sleepy

At 18:49, Blogger Mike said...

omg so *thats* what you were trying to tell me! that's what i assumed anyway! 2 guys. you guys should join us for golf! =D we go every saturday 4pm. itz good for stress relief and clearing the mind~

At 02:35, Blogger juice said...

i know.. i make a fuss about nothing..

golf.. saturdays.. 4pm.. i'll keep that in mind. haven't played for ages. (but having said that.. i haven't really moved faster than a walk for ages and my exercise seems to have been restricted to handbag lifting..)


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