Friday, December 02, 2005


I'll keep this brief. I don't have much to say about the matter. Australia is not better than her neighbours. Singapore is a sovereign nation. (As is Indonesia.) There is no view of the matter that can be presented that no one cannot fail to understand, and that others would not fail to oppose. Everyone has reasons for their view, therefore i agree with your reasons and remain free to my view. Reasoning stem from different bases which are reasonable and rational and perhaps well informed. I don't think I'm well informed. The media is made up of people just as a government is made up of people. I don't feel inclined to dwell on what one reporter says, I prefer to remember that in all matters such as these, in the distance I can see a person trying to speak to us, trying to make us understand, trying to argue their case.. and it's all filtering, distorting, taking higher pitches or lower tones. I'm interested but wary, and just very sad. I generalise and see three classifications that has occured, you can see Van as a person, the media blitz or a statistic. the death penalty won't change because of a media or statistics.

I don't pretend to know what i'm talking about. And to clarify, my view is not that the media is wrong or can be better in any way - there are too many issues that i just could not ever really know unless I went to seek and see what is happening for myself. Asia, India, Africa, America etc. But more poignantly, I do know that we have issues where we are - some comparatively petty, some equally abhorrent and under-resourced.. but sigh, we are all very upset equally about matters great and small, some actionable and some with which we are powerless, and for some of us, though we actually really feel a fit of passion, we forget that we do nothing. Rather than send sms for ballots or votes or whatever reason, you could do something small like deposit that 20c somewhere..

I was just thinking, no point feeling something or telling me you feel something if you don't show it or prove it to yourself.


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