Tuesday, August 29, 2006

legal roulette

random babble - I don't like criminal law cases where the advocates for the defence play legal roulette. there really needs to be some sort of unit in place credible of obtaining unbiased and reliable evidence. video interviews etc. the victim already goes through so much psychological damage, they can't escape clarification or cross examination but somehow something in the nasty procedure could be collated and prepared in advance.

everything in criminal law is nasty.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Acquaintences are sometimes people you work with. Colleagues. Colleagues are not friends.

Work has been fine. But i'm working with someone who makes the most mistakes and acts at times the most forth-righeously arrogant. And previously pitying his workload, I let him not complete the loose ends of tasks that I would pick up as my task. So now I have to look for, tie up all the loose ends and then do my task. See other people are more courteous and still prepare everything out of habit. I'm not complaining - but he talked down at me today so I am totally not impressed. I am not his PA.. and he owes me a few coffees.

You know when I start keeping tabs, I don't like someone.*nods*

Saturday, August 26, 2006

du du du

Wooo - Holz and I went to spa day. it was relaxing and quite a bizarre place to visit. I will elaborate if you ask me about it person .

Happy belated birthday Jimmy. Again I got terribly lost driving there. Was pretty tired. Got my salad bowl back from his last birthday a yearrrrr ago! And also made for his party 120 sausage rolls. And there were plenty left over. Sorry everyone, I left before the crazy antics started and therefore I have no comment to make. You will need to ask him for photos.. they involve chicken drumsticks and big boofy wigs I heard as well as tell tale signs of drunken euphoria or stupor - which ever.

Meanwhile je suis triste. But that's not that unusual lately. But I am finally managing to spring clean my room and so the fact that I have in fact finished my arts law degree is .. starting to sink in. But I feel like i'm totally at square one again really. Now am attempting to complete the Grad Cert of Legal Practice as you all know, but in this i'm possibly just half hearted - it depends on whether I obtain the appropriate legal experience within 2 years and everything is up in the air right now.

The other reason I feel quite amused today is i finalllllly had a look at the photos from Canberra and they are quite hilarious. Or so I think so. there aren't that many but they do capture some strange moments. And looking through these photos I also noticed that it's true, i seem to have lost weight in comparison to like 6 months ago. I don't know why either. I only say this because in one of the canberrie photos I am wearing jeans with the macquarie jersey AND a poofy ski jacket and for some reason that makes me look normal size? there are also photos of laura and me in our sleeping bags with a who stash of food open between us... vegging out.. those were the days..

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


hi there. not much has been happening of late. i forgot my password but as you can see i've managed to log in. I don't want to mention how i don't think i handed in time sheet and incidences of desperately searching the car for change. I can imagine my brother shall not be too impressed when he goes to look to realise there is nothing there... i better warn him.. tomorrow.

I used his $2.05 to buy a sandwich today. $2.05! is it possible? *nods* yes, just don't be fussy. I teetered between the thoughts of slices of bread or a cookie? and with my budget, the feeling i had was as anticipated for a few months now, i don't have the luxury to be choosy.

But of course the worse thing is you get evil glares for being cheap because you don't look homeless - LOOKS aren't everything! I was hungry.. and poor... so then you think, yes i'm decorated with all these things i've decided to buy in the past and now i've only got $2.05.. it's the second time i did this to myself. *rolls eyes* wakeru.. um - this won't stop me from going to spa day on sunday by the way. But this cycle of retail therapy is doing more harm than good, i know - it just hasn't sunk in yet.

Ahh ~~ i realised lots of things don't sink in. perhaps i'm predisposed to be thick. But i've been feeling quite displaced. But it's like one issue of cleo or .. whatever - how do you know when people are going to stick by you? where like you have issues and retarded misalignments and incompatibilities but there's still argument. Like something falling apart is still worth standing by and arguing to attempt to come to some.. sort of standing. As opposed to people who just says that's fine, whatever you say or my stance is final and that is that.

i never thought that be that - but you win - there's the desired outcome, and .. me.. i'll deal with it.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts about jim's b'day and spa day.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


i need to get contact lenses again.. (random note to self)

today i left the house at 7:30am and returned at 10:20pm. all due to work/uni commitments. dozed on bus for 30 minutes. I think that has been my longest day ever? *thinks* mm. the day started off okay and it gradually became intolerable. I can't explain this addiction to work.. i mean yes, being paid is important and i am shockingly bad at saving.. but as I have been told I don't have mandatory expenses.. yes i know, lucky... or just an over-doted upon child. *nods*

Although today I did get myself into a bother. Caught between places with few options of making it home. Transport was far between - and I have no idea where stand M in chatswood is! Walked around the whole block then called doting parents who told me to catch a bus. In classical child-like amazement I gaped but then the more grown up part of me considered my options. Having waited and been transporting around the 62 minutes between two places that would take 10 minutes to drive between.. so like.. 5 km distance? I considered walking home.. which would have taken 30 minutes+.. in the cold.. so no i called parents again. in my misery and fatigue i *was* going to give everyone silent treatment.. but i was too tired to even keep that one.

This is just day 2 of week 1 for me.. i need someone to whinge to. don't apply if you don't have unusually saintly tolerance and you must be able or have a willingness to learn how to read incredibly poor sign language when i'm totally kaputt. zum beispiel wenn est is kalt und ich habe hunger oder ich bin nicht glucklich oder etc etc.