Sunday, June 25, 2006


It's only in the preliminary stages, but with all hearsay that keeps coming up regarding P&O's lack of concern for the safety of the passengers and their disregard for crime - it sounds even worse than all the horror contiki tours i've heard about and those cases about other passengers biting off people's fingers etc. It's all terribly sad. I'd be really interested to see P&O's image complete go under for all the possible reasons: undersafe environment for passengers, unsafe working environment for staff, no responsible service of alcohol, and all other OH&S madness. mm. They are really going to have to work on their image to survive i hope. I'd also be interested to review any smear campaigns against them.

*shrug* I don't know, corporate reputations interest me. And P&O haven't put out any PR yet though they should be in crisis mode. Probably working behind the veil of not wanting to affect the Coroner's inquiry. mm.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


*cries* my wallet is los..t.. one moment I had it. Hours later, i realised it is no longer in my possession. I tripped everything out of my bag but lo' it was not anywhere stuck the lining or something like that. Ah, the silly girl does it again..

It is true, i can't take care of my belongings. Don't leave precious or fragile goods with Joyce because while she will not scratch or break them, she will lose them. I believe i definitely dropped my wallet on the street and I am extremely optimistic that it will be returned to me, but alas, i think that I shouldn't expect to see it anytime soon. (no i didn't lose the pink one by the way, i'm sure if i dropped that I'd know - or so i'd hope so.)

So.. that was kinda of the biggest point of my day. The frantic irrational optimism that seizes you when you think, oh it must be here, or there, or possibly there.. And then every missed call you get on your phone you think that it must be a nice person calling to say they found this abandoned piece of property belonging to you.. then you remember, you have no numbers in your wallet bar those on the different personal cards etc. All i can say is, good luck signing AMEX because it's not accepted everywhere. but everything else, I would like returned. soon. if possible. please.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


urgh. I'm so tired, my limbs are aching although i haven't done all that much today.

I woke up at 8:06, thinking oh that's not too bad. Then i realised i was meant to be at nth ryde @8... *ohh* no - I think and then i pretty much stormed out of the house in 3 minutes without a care in the world.

But now i do have a care in the world because i think i may have obtained another speeding fine. *sigh*. That finished at 1pm and 1:30 i was to be at UTS tower again. So you can imagine me driving somewhat maniacally.

now i'm home. and yes, tired.

ta da ~ that is as exciting as it gets.

Friday, June 09, 2006


People need to be careful not to overstay their welcome.

The most ordinary example of where one needs to be *wary* that they may overstep the endurance of someone like me, is where
(1) you are the only person there
(2) you had a reason for visiting
(3) the reason has been dealt with
(4) you have dined (or eaten - i can't quite call what I have to offer as dining)
(5) you find yourself watching TV
(6) you hear that someone else who actually lives in the place you are visiting is going to sleep

Note this only applies if you are not my close friend.

But look, i suppose i'm also more vexed at the conduct of people who live away from home. All I have to say is good for you. I'm conservative asian, spoilt, and do not have mandatory expenses to the same extent but I have added responsibilities and I have to contribute to my living environment in unconditional ways.

So in otherwords, somoeone came over recently. And I had no idea when they would leave - it didn't seem like they really had to go home, and they moved out of home recently, so maybe there's not much to return to.

Living relationships take a bit of time to build - so I could live with some people i know, (possibly not some others) and complete strangers - a big maybe. *laughs* but I'm not the one to be choosy since I'm the one with the intolerably capricious moodswings and i like being able to walk around wearing whatever I want etc.. there's a level of comfort at home.

so don't overstay your welcome at my home! *fist* especially if i don't like you. (i.e. it wasn't me who invited)..

Sunday, June 04, 2006


aiyah... I'm so sick of junk food. (note: I don't consider m&ms junk food. I bought half a kilo *laughs* - it's downstairs so i'm safe. They are so morish .. )

Having said that, it's because i realise that i've been eating maccas, KFC, hungry jacks and subway way wayyy too much lately. But on that note a nice korean girl bought me a subway that other day - I guess working through the hours of lunch means that I only have access to those sorts of foods. But that was the highlight of last week. A lowly week. This means that if you're around for lunch, let me know (perhaps not this fortnight because I have exams..)

Also on that note, at work we've managed to collect all four of the Ice Age toy things from Hungry jacks and it builds into this slide that the animals slide down. I think that is totally cool - and it's probably been the best toy in ages. *cough* but i suppose I wouldn't know since I haven't had this outbreak of eating junk so much for.. many years. somebody please stop me.

And finally, the new wax therapist I have asked me how old I was. I told her to guess. And she said "17". This explains why I have no credibility at work.

Lastly, I've returned to a very selfish status and .. I plan to go shopping for Pre / During / & Post-exam cheer. Hoorah? Well not really - someone lend me a credit card.. or deposit exorbitant sums in my account. Danke Schon.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

another month

Well. It's been a month since I've said all that much. *thinks*

*thinks really hard*

I can't think of anything interesting except Mike had his birthday and I was first to arrive - and sat in the centre of tables reserved for 30 people. And yes I was being eyed by the other patrons like a poor lonely girl. Poor lonely girl that I am, still it doesn't require wry eying and sniggers. Puuh.

Exams in one week. it's been a tumultuous 4.5 years. Then I have the year to go. (no comment)