Monday, January 31, 2005

Mac Airport is never the same again.
A recent brief power failure here has appeared to do irreparable damage to the wireless.

But speaking of events past


At KG nine to six, bailed early. Ate too much.
Saw the moon looking like a big cookie from Brooke’s party boat.
Thought it was heaps fun and pleasant considering past and upcoming hours of work.

I think it was very clever of me to catch the bus home and leave the car in Nth Sydney.
Yup!~ Me stay ok. Car stay sort of ok. At that moment it was brilliant logic.


Saturday/ Sunday

At Crows Nest from ten thirty to seven. ATE TOO MUCH.

But yay~ I hired out Laputa: Castle in the Sky on Saturday. But no one wanted to watch it, except myself. Therefore you know what I’ll find time to watch this week.

For those six who made it to my house for Pizza and who will possibly never eat Pizza again, I have accounted that, not including that Jim Beam consumed by two greedy… , between five of us we consumed five beers, one bottle Malibu, one bottle Baileys, two thirds a Canadian club whisky, half bot Barcadi and a many parts Frangelico and Kahlua. And all without playing a game of scrabble… *me disappointed – what am I going to do with that half case of beer?*

But Yarrrr.. Thanks heaps of coming ne. You people are the best! From what I could remember, I had a lot of laughs! And I have never enjoyed a sepia 1920s film so much. The special effects and music was quite suspenseful – particularly that part where it started a few verses of what could be termed ‘modern rap’...

Think ‘Harold and Kumar’ - please come again

After the cleaning up, Laura and I went to Chatswood.
We ate half a kebab.
We walked around like somnambulists.
The final result: Laura spent $5 – Joisu spent $9.40.

TODAY: Went to work.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Disarm: v. deprive of weapons; win the confidence or affection...
A dual definition that if applied, is oxymoronic. That is the current status that describes me at this moment. Though always slightly inaccurate, as all words tend to be.

I guess in other words, I'm tired and defeated and won over by this... blah blah.

Inundated with hours for work. Of which I was looking forward to just recently.

Tonikaku, criticism of what has happened recently:

1. Sean had his farewell. Mysterious amounts of rice, fish and beer disappeared into him. Sayonara. Mata aou ne.. (/desu ka..)
2. Caroline the delightful appeared much more relaxed (less grumpy) to aforementioned event (Yes. It must be the freedom from work and her delightful housemates.){lu lu lu workaholic!}
3. Jim was much happier (I guess the two aforementioned persons and his car have that effect on that asian boy). "No-oo Don't make Me drink!" cries Jim, "I'm just a little asian boy".
-six beers later-
"Awe mate you gotta drink with me lah!", gurgles Jim, "You gwei lo can't lose to an asian boy lah!"
4. Bronwyn was doubtful about the company - including myself, since i gave her some jam to carry around the whole night...
5. The others were equally dynamic and resistant to mysterious amounts if rice, fish, chicken, soy sauce and beer. They also tended to order more chicken than we could accomodate.

So one good day, one bad day and now one tired day.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Me made apricot jam today.
1.25 Kg. =D
Yup. Sounds like a lot, but you put them in a 1Kg bottle and you feel mildy disappointed. Swweeet apricots..

Me dropped by ATO, UTS CC, UTS Lib and UTS KG too.
And I found out KG has free parking. I never knew that.

Yes, unfortunately that is as exciting as my day got.

EDOO~ And what happened to my storm!! It was so hot today..

Saturday, January 22, 2005

...yada yada...

It looks like I'm not going anywhere tomorrow. Two unfavourable factors and just a sudden not-so-good mood swing

But merely,
1. The clouds might plan to drip and waste us with hail (They call it "Thunderstorms")
2. Long drive there.. and immediate long drive back.. not ideal.. and only just so I can get home.. as there is a guest for dinner.. (You think my family would tell me about these arrangements!!!!!!, I never get any notice!! and What's More, they only mentioned it in passing at the dinner table and I had to ask to be sure I heard correctly!! Slightly....eesh)

If it turns out to be a day with birds and rainbows.. I'm going up the road to a cafe and .. I'll eat some meringues!

But I don't know - cancelling horse riding is not biggie
I just suddenly have a lot of other thoughts bubbling in my head
it's causing me some irritation and that in turn, is causing some concern.

I mean, there are some things you can just let go of
And when you're strong enough to, you do...
But then what can you do with the sudden void that appears?
And it's not just any void
It's like an irregular dodecagon
and you cannot fill that space with anything... though you try...

sometimes I feel like I'm riddled with holes


eep. 11:25am?

Now that I've woken up... about my version of drinking scrabble.. it'll mean that you would basically drink at every single go because when my friends and I play, scoring over 18 happens all the time.. and if you don't, you drink again..

.. the logic before breakfast..

Friday, January 21, 2005

Back to Work

Dear Bubbles~

Yes it is back to work for I. Yay.
It's been too difficult finding people in Sydney who are not working... indeed it makes me terribly sad and lonely.

But first things first, On Sunday I think I shall go horseriding... yahahaa~~
Although Bronwyn has drawn my attention to the words: 2 hours, ridge, escarpment, 1pm (HOT), .....2 hours...

So next week I'll be doing some UTS things and then following week I've got some shifts in Crows Nest and things ought to roll from there.

I suppose I could have taken up a hobby of some sort... ( wait... I tried that before...)

Friday 28th, I'll be at UTS KG Campus until 6; people are still welcome at my house before that time of course - yes you can use the pool/my computer/the tv/the fridge... not too sure about anything in my brother's room..

Oh About Drinking Scrabble. According to Jim's rules, if you get triple word score you get triple shots.
But i think the point is for people to make an *effort* before they retard themselves into only being able to make words like 'cow', 'bug', 'moo' 'etc' etc..

Just Brainstorming here. Last time my brother played scrabble, the average amount of points he got was 15 per go.

Non-drinkers have to drink lemonade or something.
No breaks until a game finishes or you bail. Bailing has consequences.

score less than 8 points = drink one
exchange a letter = drink two
score more than 18 points = everyone else drinks one
score more than 18 points with help of the board = everyone else drinks half shot

Take more than 4 minutes to think of a move; drink one as you think per minute thereafter.
For the player who questions a word and uses a dictionary;
- If word exists - party who questions drinks two
- If word is void - party in question drinks two

.... why am I making this up... I should just search on dogpile or something.. ..haa..

Unchartered Waters

Dear Bubbles,

(Yes, you can see I'm sticking to the classic note entry template)
(This is seeing as previous attempts to keep honest and interesting historical data often resulted in the shredding / burning / deleting / caustic editing of similar records.)
(Thus, I now attempt to start afresh and leave that .. vexatious.. past behind me... lu lu luu..)

Anyway, that previous foreword was just me checking whether blood was still flowing to my brain - my brain that has not done anything since late November 2004. *gasp* .. it's true..

Further, since I don't seem to plan to engage myself with any remotely challenging tasks... It's nice just to ... do... nothing... (eep)

(Muahahahaaha.. I am so bored..) (So bored indeed)

Oh it's Friday tomorrow. I guess I was planning to visit Law Fac to see if I'm really 100% enrolled in Intl Trade Law in Hamburg. But then I think to myself, why do I bother..? Then I remember, it's because I need to finalise accomodation if I am going. Then I think '...euro...eep..!'

BUT THEn I think, it takes so much effort to get out of the house!
**** (I've become a lazy beast) ****
It means I actually have to put pants/skirt on, change out of my nightshirt, try to style the mangly mess on my head, cleanse, scrub, moisturise, colour coordinate (I always forget that), and get butt out door.. maybe grab breakfast on the way..

But yes - things I may need to do:

1. Invite friends for drinking scrabble and BBQ and photo viewing
2. Make sand tortles on le beach
3. ..that thing about employment contract for Aunt..
4. Timetable semester
5. Get those Hep A&B shots

Oh.. Gabe just helped me finalise Movie/bbq/scrabble/photo night. it's friday 28th January - 6pm-ish - early arrivers get more to drink.. Okies~

Now I have to find out who remains in Sydney..