Sunday, May 29, 2005


last weeks non-mandatory expenses were bad.

friday night turned out to be fun.
Holly, rui, jim, tessa and viv all had their share of quirky stories. many of these i escape sharing because i always leave before the over-the-top trouble starts (just see re: jim or mike.)

*nods* parting with self control is undesirable. but it does depend on the person and the alignment of baubles in the sky etc. perhaps, in fact, a flexible rule.

this didn't prevent me from triggering a moodswing on saturday night though (gomenasai ne). After wandering around library, and Aleistar's birthday party (he turned 2! a very cute boy), i was in a very happy mood. ^_^ but then i ruined it because i raised two thoughts i still couldn't deal with, and triggered the feeling that i was alone. And i wasn't. I was with one of the sweetest, most self-less, accomodating and important person i have known to date.

an 'i'm-angry-at-everything-but-i-can't-pinpoint-what' tantrum makes me hopelessly confused.

meanwhile, i'm late for vicki's party. Have to get dressed and rush out the door. Judy says i'm totally missing out! eyah~

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Yeah, the air was bracing today. *nods* =_= cold desu.

One of my favourite songs from anime is still 'hemisphere'. Unn~ I know that came from no where, but my sister is playing it and it's not on my mac.

The funniest thing was S-sama and Jade's morning.
Basically, my sister went into the guest room to look for stockings. S-sama said good morning and Jade snaps "What are you doing here!" (because she thought it was my brother who obviously stayed up all night playing computer games and just decided to crash in the guest room - no my brother isn't a loser though he plays computer games; but it IS NOT his HOBBY). S-sama said twas a long story. And Jade was blinking and thinking 'oops - it wasn't Jon'

Me easily amused. I thought it was hilarious. And it got me thinking, people have not seen me snap. People have come close to seeing me fall to bits. But it is hard to laugh when you feel really down. But also, it's a relief~ But But, I guess when inhibitions fall apart when people get semi-intoxicated they can just cry. Cry freely. I think Petechia is going to loan me 'Graveyard of Fireflies'?.. but I also don't want to break into tears just right now.. eearrggh.. *emotionally defenceless* souuukaa~~~

Holly says that she and I together spend $150 on drinks (kohi to alcomohol)...Ne holly~ warui warui.. that's not good! because i see you like twice a week! We haven't accounted for the expenses we *don't* see each other use! dunno bout you... but savings are somewha critical on my side..

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

split persona

1. No I don’t have a split personality
2. (admittedly, I float on a variable cosine like orbit and tangents refract crazedness [yay] or sulkiness [buuu])
3. I am reminded that my 01 jersey is really quite ugly.
4. But it was cold, I had brought it for my amusement and so I had to wear it.
5. I ate KFC chips.
6. Savings are not growing…[buuu]

Friday – dinner + vocal rehearsal + practicing sense of rhythm

hungry in class

I'm in class.
I'm hungry.
Yes, I am still sulking also.

Flight Schedule

(maybe I'll leave earlier since my exam is on 23 June)

1 CX 110V 30JUN 4 SYD/HKG HK1  0735  1500 
2 CX 255V 05JUL 2 HKG/LHR HK1  0015  0620    
3 BA 964V 05JUL 2 LHR/HAM HK1  0755  1025                   
4 BA 971V 23JUL 6 HAM/LHR HK1  1725  1805     
5 CX 252V 26JUL 2 LHR/HKG HK1  1245  0800   27JUL 3
6 CX 139V 27JUL 3 HKG/SYD HK1  0900  2005  
7 CX 252V 30JUL 6 LHR/HKG HK1  1245  0800   31JUL 7
8 CX 139V 31JUL 7 HKG/SYD HK1  0900  2005 

It looks like I'm coming back earlier to Sydney because otherwise I won't recover for 01 Aug and uni.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

:: found ::

OOOOH! All the stuff i thought i lost yesterday I actually found.
next time i lose something please remind me to check back pockets.

i woke up thinking the listed items below and that something was quite funny. It escapes me now.

i'm tired

I'm tired -going to drag myself for a walk around though - so I will summarise.

1. driving = verging on rolling the car is very bad.
2. typing = 9 hours of potential OH&S breach + hurt wrist
3. meandering into clubs with anna is to be denied clean air
4. walking home with a moon shadow is fun
5. oooh I saw a milk crate lying on road
6. waking up to a Corona at beach is interesting
7. beach sea water is cold in winter
8. HOT shower is excellent
9. 1 hr bus ride = sleep
10. thirsty = scull can of cold green tea without tasting it
11. $10 should NOT come out of ATMs. buu. *unhappy*
12. coffee + coffee melting moments are good
13. screaming karaoke is painful (for other people. when i'm the one singing. yay.)
14. michael is good at singing though
15. jim & pat with mic can be v. bad.
16. a litre of water can taste v good and make stomach hurt
17. reticent reminiscence
18. detour from work compliance is good
19. excessive is bad
20. in library tomorrow
21. jade woke me up to watch 'tsubasa'
22. I miss some old friends
23. miss quality time
24. Need to create exam guide
25. need to crave less burgers and junk. mm.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

kuhl wetter musik

Ja. Ich bin enfach klasse. Wie gehts?
In dem morgen ich habe ein ishuffle gekaufen. also ein neue anregung fur tanzen in der haus. *nods* yay. schon!

today wa ok. me and holly were laughing at how poor we were. we need to start a fund to help us with our addiction. we are becoming *immune*. So rather than buy the second coffee, were hobbled like hobos over to the coffee cart and helped ourselves to tea. university life and friends corrupts you into being unable to drink instant coffee. probably a good thing.

walking around with cups of tea, it's interesting how the momentum always flicks spots and drops of tea everywhere. doesn't help when you're laughing all the way.

now about our addiction fund.. donations urgently sought.

meanwhile i'm motivated to dance right now. yay for fitness.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

art cafe thing sming

UTS - Markets - that art whatsitmuttcallit cafe - bad service - me not impressed

coffee was NOT scalding hot. coffee did NOT wake me up. Was it friggin decafe!?!? I dun care that it's round the corner from my class on tuesday. I swear to you I am not going there again. Petty? No. It's fair. Bad service, bad barista, bad morning, need a coffee proper, got coffee barely warm brew. *pouts* *sniff*

Saturday, May 14, 2005

ichi sashin

ooh. a photo. *me brilliant*

that's the only one there'll be.


Doing the impossible: tidying my room.

I amuse myself with the idea of going furniture browsing because I need to be more space efficient! Maybe after I host another thing at my house, people can see what I'm on about.

Summarise last night in Verandah Bar - and Anna was right, Jim has an unnaturally widespread grin there. It was indeed fun and super funny (jim and his friend brett dancing was merry amusement). Holly and I pooled our money but five drinks later (one being a donation), not even tipsy, we could no longer ignore the fact we were dressed way too conservatively. The only consolation was there really wasn't anyone there to impress.

It was an interesting place.

Another Day in the life of Joisu

Before the evening, the day started with me humming to Goldwell and obtaining some great strawberry jelly smelling hair products. Then I skipped to the library and realised too late I actually was missing a tutorial. After lecture, ate burger. Returned to library and saw super library supervisor Steven who I owe a coffee. After some printing [yay for Steven! and Fat tony (- the colour printer)] went to take tako away with S-sama. ultimately, the shop handed to us 4 serves. Went to class.
Met up with Alex and his friend Tim-who-doesn't-like-Hangzhou. Which was equally amusing. And yay, I issued reminders that I was owed a present. *grins* yippee.

Friday is the day I have 2.5 hours of class in the middle of the day. So, welcome distractions at other times not unfavourable. (p.s. bible study is not classified as a welcome distraction)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


It's nearly 4pm. I'm about to dash off to Crows Nest.
Only just managed to eat lunch.

Haven't slept since Saturday and I thought Torts, Crim, Corp etc were bad. Advertising - absolute tedium and there's no support. You find an interesting angle and you get shot down. But that is how it is I guess. For PR thing, a mug of mocha goes a long way. But Monday morning on Bldg 3 I nearly slipped in the concrete staircase.

At the moment had I my near-miss, I noticed that the railings actually had close to a 40 cm between the lowest bar and the ground. The staitcase has about an 80cm width of airspace to the glass windows. And looking down 5 floors below was just a slab of concrete (reminds me of fixtures) - but point is serendipitiously thinking about mortality is bad.

Class today.. was painful. And sitting on bus made me macro-sleep even if the trip was 5 mins away.

Yeah..being tired brings teary eyes, but now i'm just deliriously happy that i get to go to bed. 10:30 pm. I feel so elderly. =)

(entry edited at 22:25)

Friday, May 06, 2005

lacking grip

I fell over today. buu..
You think it only happens in movies, like who really falls over completely flat. But this is the second time I have met the floor at full body mass capacity. The other time was in year 7 - that time was worse. i think i fell and skidded a bit.

It's because I walk funny and the grip on the my fav shoes lose grip the moment i start wearing them. The MOST dangerous place for me to walk is anywhere uncarpeted in UTS (especially building 6! too many near misses to count), the QVB and sloping concrete anywhere is also high risk.

But yeah.. I fell over on Longueville rd. Picked myself self up and said 'aooww'. One stranger witnessed the unfortunate circumstance but I escaped unscathed. Reality does feel like gravel sometimes but it makes everything else seem soft to touch. =)

New item on wish list: First Aid Kit

Thursday, May 05, 2005


The below post is my friend's contribution to my blog. All I have to say is, if you do think I'm frumpy.. you better mean it in a nice way. But indeed, I was sleep deprived.

Yeah. today I stopped at a red light. Then started driving before it turned green. I couldn't really drive properly either. It's as if someone had messed with all the mirrors and seat heights in an effort to make me drive out of lane. But the point is, yes I started moving before it went green. Moving, Moving. Not just unnoticed rolling. Acceleration. Can't explain why. There being no perpendicular running traffic was perhaps incredibly fortunate. ^_^ Fines are bad.

I had a coffee with Holly at 5ish at Divine Monkey Lounge. Our conversation contained so many jaw-droppers. That was because we were being objective and impersonal. *nods*

Mm mm. I know people care about me, however little or lots - it means much. Caring hurts sometimes. I just don't know any better. but yeah, feeling so frazzled and demanding, irrational and confused. Yes. the insecurity of being in love but not needed and not loved back. Create a perception of distance to make perspectives rational. It doesn't always work, it backfires when several issues reignite - but yes, I can make it work - to see differently. But then walking around, perhaps I look so affected - when friends cheer me up, I think of him ..

I squiggled marker all over my mac today for fun.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


mmm ... in library, procastinating, should be doing advertising but im lazy and frumpy. I also like hedgehogs and people with hedgehog hair. Think ill eat M&Ms then sleep.