Monday, November 28, 2005


*waves* i have few criticisms or critical reflections to make - except i no longer like gin, i will not buy gin, drink gin and it is permanently scrubbed off my diet. (though i wouldn't exactly say that it was on my diet - but it is an interesting word to use). This new predisposition against gin and gin makers is, as usual, entirely unfair but because of my general tendency to succumb to dehydration - think coffee and things like gin, and also eating way too much pizza to be safe. It just spurred my rash from some unknown cause into intolerable proportions. And wet bandages, lacking sleep through days that feel even more despairingly cold due to wet bandages and no other form of relief, well i prefer for that not to happen again. *nods*

Loxi and I went to Stanton Lib today because Michael Leunig made an appearance to talk about his life, inspirations and changing outlooks to his cartoons. I've said it once, i've said more times than you may be able to bear - but I love Mr Curly and his Direction Finding Duck and the teapots! *gushes* *laughs* mr curly just reminds me of quiet inner reflection and that .. well i dunno .. there is just a beautiful understatement about him. In the new book i bought for bronwyn (and i got it signed of course) there is one page (okay so i had a brief look through it) there is one cartoon of Mr Curly's resolutions and it stated things like (1) I will think more about ducks.. etc. I love his philosophy.

Other than this, thanks to those attendees to pizza. And i shall keep you posted about Xmas getogether..

Oh - and i think i finally sorted out summer school and next year - now i just hope that i shall pass exams etc.. and my expenses have been out of control.. completely. *grimaces*

But ah well - see you soon! *waves*

Monday, November 21, 2005


a flower
Originally uploaded by pinkjoisu.
*points and jumps around*
These are my favourite flowers in the garden. It was a photo of it in all it's glory and it has now passed away. They just don't survive very long. A week at most. They have a cousin who i refer to as 'the white one on the spindly fragile stems' and they are the most most most reluctant to live. If it decides to bloom before it just.. dies, i'll take a photo of it as well. I love these flowers so much~ *laughs*


hey~ don't take me to anything involving money and chances because i'm the suseptible type. Although there was a game in the arcade that only involved one button that i liked.. it took my money and i got no returns though. *laughs*

meanwhile - i played three minutes of one of the combat zone routines on kinetic and afterwards i thought i was going to have a heart attack. Just goes to show that if you are unfit (like me) waking up one morning at 11am and thinking 'oh time to reform a year of not doing very much!' is not a good idea. The ringing in my ears afterwards was quite bad. But look~ i'm still ok. I'll just play the stretching exercises from now on.

A few days ago i was exposed to a show on television with Billy Crystal in it. *look of fear* i don't want to say anything more - just that it was bad. How inconsiderate. I don't like inconsiderate types...

then yesterday bronwyn and i went to pancakes. I got there 1.5 hours early because i misread the time. i think i'll walk up to La Provence and buy a salad. I like the ones with cous cous in it. don't like chick peas. like lentils. mm *wanders off*

Thursday, November 17, 2005


kinetic thingy by nike is fun.

meanwhile, happy birthday to me. nothing interesting is happening. I have remedies to study for and i should make good use of the 2 days i have *nods*. but as motivation, i went up to the local plaza place and got a manicure with a flower pattern ('anything feminine' was my request) and now i feel like a million bucks. Yay.

*skips around in her peasant dress*

hark, i am so easily amused today. And the weather is brighter again which is always nice. I can smell the fragrance Annayake which is an uplifting subtle semisparkly floral. it's divine. And it always reminds me of watermelon -

and speaking of which, i am melon-choly! My mum had purchased a watermelon the size of a piano footstool and i was meant to cut it up. I cut it in half. put in on the bench and then one half rolled off and smashed itself on the ground. (oh the carnage~~!) I know what you are thinking, you thnk i could have caught that rolling monster. Well I could, but i was holding a filleting knife and covered with watermelon juice, a headline "woman stabbed in watermelon drama" would be too undignifying i think. there should be warnings. "I am a self-destructing fruit" or "I like to roll - marhar!"

i'll keep you posted - but let's go fine dine and pine on saturday evening. *winks*


Monday, November 14, 2005



enrolments are giving me issues. for example, sydney summer school - if they deny my application that i submitted from like 6 weeks back because they have been unable to finalise and seek assistance in a timely manner, it makes them represent a degree of incompetency that is just asking for an acid comment

meanwhile *waves* - i hope you are well and fine.
I have 2 subjects to go and both only worth 6cp surprisingly. I was not aware.. i thought one was 8.. I am tabbing my textbook (that is in brilliant condition) madly. It would be less mad if the post-its stop falling out.. but it's either post-its or permanent tabs.. and i have stuck permanent tabs in a wonky fashion and because they are permanent i can't get them off again.. (urgh. i tried and tore the page.. and to remedy - you just trim the tab straight.. but still.. it's just not the same)

recently i have been madly spamming people with my anticipation to repair my beverage cabinet, but due the overwhelming calls to 'reschedule rescheduleee!' i am able to shelve the idea for another month. Just as well - since i have spent money with great laxness recently (def lax - not stringent control).

Also recently, I met Holly for lunch. Where she informed me there is another acquaintence who shared my birthday. My response was a laugh and 'oh my' because we are perhaps the most sensitive scorpios to exist. See, no wonder, on previous occasions sparks of repulsion were almost igniting because the other one seemingly had a mood swing. Well at least now there is something i can observe and remind me to be less openly moody (don't anticipate that would happen soon.. lu lu lu)

Then another day i attended Pete's poker gathering very very late and managed to lose all my chips to Wendy in one go. I'm not game enough for poker and have no talent to win or bluff.

And one last aside comment that i will never ever mention again -re: Australian Idol. i was unlucky enough to be exposed to one of their 90 second advertisements and the three finalists were absolute grievous.. absolutely absolutely greivous. I don't have talent for singing myself (at all) but i have ears.. and i can hear.. The guy in particular.. he isn't singing at all. Saying out words to a tune..what is music coming to? *shakes head*

*skips off with post-its fluttering around in tow*

Monday, November 07, 2005


I said it a long time ago, but there are no uncertainties. 雖然不肯說 我捨不得你 and that is all there is to that.

Meanwhile, happy things are we bought new gold fish, buying flowers, eating foods and some miscellanous occasions have been a highlight. And unhappy things .. let's not go there.

After my exams I was planning to have a teppan-bbq at my house. I teeter between thoughts slightly. Either I do that, or send everyone a complimentary drink ticket for someplace. unsure, we shall see.

It just seems to me that i can appear petty. I'm gullible, i believe banter and unsupported arguments of friends but i do not adopt these beliefs unless they are proven. Or, please know I have the critical ability to recognise that I am wrong. If you think I bear the wrong ideas, i appreciate you may loathe me to resent even issuing a correction - but there are some reactions I need not be ashamed because there is history that is beyond your knowledge. If you think i need to justify myself, go ahead and say it. If i explained anything sometimes, it has to follow a whole trail of explanations. How does one admit to loss, to those feelings of being deceived though we would wish to appear it is not like that. Anyway, this post is a bit unhappy..

I think .. things shall be a lot brighter..

I think .. i shall need to go away somewhere..

Friday, November 04, 2005


*waves* I was reading something - oh of course, I was at the mac site where they have all the movie trailers because I was going to see what was the name of that clay-animated black comedy that laura wanted to see was. It has not appeared yet. And i saw a link to Siegfried. Like Ja, Der Siegfried - ein Konig in Die Niebenlungen mit gelb haare? Du kennst!~

Well, you know what I'm talking about - and if not, well, you know what I'm talking bout. So Tuesday i went with loxi to watch Pride and Prejudice - it came as quite a shock to me when I realised 'ohh right.. they will be saying the same thing as the BBC version..' It's like Charlie gets the golden ticket duh~ But since i generally think the Austen novel is sweet, i don't mind the film. Compared to the BBC version, there were noticeable differences. At some points the approach to a scene was completely different - you can tell because when you know the rationale of why BBC did their version their way, the complete break up of that mould at points was just so clear. These differences ever more transparent because the scenes in the movie ranged from the jubilant to the still. One particularly cute scene I liked. But truly, the cutting of corners was clearly shown.

Then i survived these few days. I was diverted from class on wednesday by happier prospects but really, someone remind me why some ordinary drinks cost $14 each? it makes me reflect that it would be more worthwhile stocktaking beverages at home. 3 drinks or a case of Becks.. oh the comparisons are endless.. in the end i settled for less. All was merry until finances at end of evening .. well let's say our wallets regretfully informed us of .. unwelcome news.. but that is what happens during gleeful diversions c'est nes pas?

The today - all was planned. Regret that the hole in Epping Road is still a cause of great pain in the mornings. regret that i have a lot of work to do. This did not prevent Jo and me heading to Maccas after Evi lecture for a snack. Reminiscent of being in germany and constantly talking and eating.. in between walking.. Uni should always be like that~ but alas~~

Sunday I am having lunch with Emanuel and Katharina. it shall be well, and all shall be well and all that shall be shall be well..
*winks* take care now.